Published February 26, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Ooctonus spartak Triapitsyn 2010, sp. n.


Ooctonus spartak Triapitsyn, sp. n.

(Figs 76–80)

Type material. Holotype female [UCRC ENT 013055] on slide: KYRGYZSTAN. CHUY, W of Ak-Tyuz, 42°53'23''N 76°09'33''E, 2420 m, 26.vii.2000, C.H. Dietrich, vacuum, 00-115-01 [collector’s code]. The holotype specimen lacks clava of one antenna.

Description. FEMALE. Head and mesosoma dark brown to black, petiole brown, gaster brown to dark brown; scape and pedicel light brown, F1 and F2 brown, F3–F8 brown to dark brown, clava dark brown; legs mostly light brown except metacoxa and all distal tarsomeres darker.

Head with weak, inconspicuous sculpture.

Antenna (Fig. 76) with scape a little longer than clava, radicle 0.2x length of scape, remainder of scape 6.1x as long as wide, almost smooth; pedicel a little shorter than F1; all funicle segments much longer than wide and more or less subequal in length (F1, F2, and F5 slightly longer and F8 slightly shorter), F1–F4 without mps and F5–F8 each with 2 mps; clava 3.2x as long as wide, almost as long as combined length of F6–F8, with 7 mps.

Mesosoma (Fig. 77) with pronotum very weakly sculptured; mesoscutum and scutellum with reticulate sculpture (the cells on anterior scutellum a little smaller than on mesoscutum and posterior scutellum), midlobe of mesoscutum with a short, narrow median groove at posterior margin only, narrower posteriorly than width of a notaulus, anteriorly narrowing and extending to about 0.25x length of mesoscutum; metanotum smooth, posterior margin of dorsellum slightly, broadly rounded; propodeum (Fig. 79) mostly smooth, with median carina much shorter than median areole, lateral carinae very long, not split anteriorly and extending to anterior margin of propodeum.

Forewing (Fig. 80) about 3.1x as long as wide; disc with a slight brownish tinge throughout, densely setose but bare behind base of submarginal vein, slightly truncate apically; longest marginal seta 0.17x greatest width of wing. Hind wing (Fig. 80) about 17x as long as wide; disc with a slight brownish tinge and densely setose except basally; longest marginal seta 1.8x greatest width of wing.

Pro- and mesocoxae smooth, metacoxa with reticulate sculpture.

Petiole about 3.2x as long as wide, a little wider apically than basally, smooth, about 1.1x as long as metacoxa; gaster as in Fig. 78; ovipositor about 0.7x length of gaster, slightly exserted beyond apex of gaster, 1.05x length of metatibia.

Measurements (µm) of the holotype: Mesosoma: 541; petiole: 173; gaster: 695; ovipositor: 535. Antenna: radicle: 50; rest of scape: 197; pedicel: 70; F1: 81; F2: 81; F3: 76; F4: 75; F5: 82; F6: 75; F7: 75; F8: 73; clava: 231. Forewing: 1470:480; longest marginal seta: 82. Hind wing: 1101:66; longest marginal seta: 121. Legs (given as coxa, femur, tibia, tarsus): fore: 142, 291, 312, 324; middle: 124, 312, 448, 342; hind: 152, 324, 508, 370.

MALE. Unknown.

Diagnosis. Ooctonus spartak sp. n. differs from O. sublaevis Foerster, which normally also has 2 mps on F5–F8 of the female antenna, in having a short, narrow median groove at the posterior margin of the midlobe of mesoscutum and a very short median carina on the propodeum, from O. orientalis Doutt in having the propodeum with lateral carinae not split anteriorly and extending to its anterior margin, and from O. us sp. n. in having a median groove on the midlobe of mesoscutum and relatively much longer antennal segments and much lighter leg segments.

Hosts. Unknown.

Etymology. This species name (a noun in apposition) is that of FC Spartak Moskva (Moscow, Russia) of the Russian Football (Soccer) Premier League.

Comments. The following specimens are somewhat similar to O. spartak (and also to O. sublaevis Foerster) but likely belong to an undescribed species not considered in this revision and not included in the key because its identity is not certain: RUSSIA. SAKHALINSKAYA OBLAST’: Kuril Islands, Urup Island, inland from Aleutka Bay, 46°56.18’N 150°09.39’E, 7.vii.2000, B.J. Bennett [12 ♀, CAS]; Sakhalin Island, 6 km E of Sokol, near Belaya River, 47°14.56’N 142°46.56’E, 16.viii.2001, D.J. Bennett, T. Anderson [4 ♀, CAS].


Published as part of Triapitsyn, Serguei V., 2010, Revision of the Palaearctic species and review of the Oriental species of Ooctonus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), with notes on extralimital taxa 2381, pp. 1-74 in Zootaxa 2381 (1) on pages 43-44, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.2381.1.1,


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Collection code
Event date
2000-07-07 , 2000-07-26
Material sample ID
ENT 013055
Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
Verbatim event date
2000-07-07/2001-08-16 , 2000-07-26
Taxonomic concept label
Ooctonus spartak Triapitsyn, 2010