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There is a newer version of the record available.

Published May 26, 2016 | Version v.0.2.7
Software Open

stackr: new functions

  • 1. Université Laval
  • 2. Universite Laval



  • Added a file to track changes to the package.
  • New function: individuals2strata. Several functions in stackr and assigner requires a strata argument, i.e. a data frame with the individuals and associated groupings. You can do it manually, however, if your individuals have a consistent naming scheme (e.g. SPECIES-POPULATION-MATURITY-YEAR-ID = CHI-QUE-ADU-2014-020), use this function to rapidly create a strata file.
  • New function: tidy_genomic_data. Transform common genomic dataset format in a tidy data frame. Used internally in stackr and assigner and might be of interest for users.
  • New function: read_long_tidy_wide. Read genomic data frames in long/tidy and wide format. Used internally in stackr and assigner and might be of interest for users.
  • New function: stackr_imputations_module. Map-independent imputation of missing genotype using Random Forest or the most frequent category. Impute genotypes or alleles. Used internally in stackr and assigner and might be of interest for users.
  • New function: find_duplicate_id Compute pairwise genome similarity to highligh potential duplicate individuals.


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