Published August 31, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Stomoxys Geoffroy 1762


Genus Stomoxys Geoffroy, 1762

Stomoxys Geoffroy, 1762: 449 and 538. Type-species: Conops calcitrans Linnaeus, 1758, by designation of I.C.Z.N., Opinion 441 (1957: 83–120).

Stomoxys calcitrans (Linnaus, 1758)

Conops calcitrans Linnaeus, 1758: 604. Type-locality: not stated (presumably Sweden). Lectotype ♀, LSUK (designated by Pont, 1981a: 168).

Siberian records: Yamalo-Nenezkiy AO: Labytnangi, Muzhi (Gagarin & Veselkin, 1987: 215); Sverdlovskaya Oblast’: Serov, Krasnoufimsk, Talizy, Verkhovino (Zagrebin, 1987a: 231); Transural (Domazkii & Veselkin, 1989: 17); Chelyabinskaya Oblast’, Troizkiy Rayon (Kutuzova, 1993: 74, 75); Tyumenskaya Oblast’, forest steppe, subtaiga and southern taiga (Veselkin, 1966: 783); Tymen’ and Omsk, north to 60ºN (Veselkin, 1972: 270); Kurganskaya Oblast’ (Veselkin, 1989: 11); Kurganskaya, Tomskaya and Novosibirskaya Oblast’ (Sorokina, 2006a: 228); Baykal-Amur railway (Veselkin, 1981: 371); Siberia (Zhovty, 1955: 677; Zimin & El’berg, 1970: 593); West and East Siberia (Pont, 1986a: 107).

General distribution: Cosmopolitan.


Published as part of Sorokina, Vera S. & Pont, Adrian C., 2010, An annotated catalogue of the Muscidae (Diptera) of Siberia 2597, pp. 1-87 in Zootaxa 2597 (1) on page 34, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.2597.1.1,


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Stomoxys Geoffroy, 1762 sec. Sorokina & Pont, 2010


  • Geoffroy, E. L. (1762) Histoire abregee des insectes qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris; dans laquelle ces animaux sont ranges suivant un ordre methodique. Volume 2. Durand, Paris, 690 pp.
  • Linnaeus, C. (1758) Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum caracteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. 10 th edition. Volume 1. L. Salvii, Holmiae [= Stockholm], 824 pp.
  • Pont, A. C. (1981 a) The Linnaean species of the families Fanniidae, Anthomyiidae and Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society of London, 15, 165 - 175.
  • Gagarin, S. N. & Veselkin, G. A. (1987) Features of the fauna and ecology of zoophilous flies (Diptera) on farms of the large horned livestock in Yamalo-Nenetsk AO. In: Cherepanov, A. I. (Ed.), Ecology and geography of arthropods in Siberia. Nauka (Siberian Division), Novosibirsk, 214 - 215. [In Russian.]
  • Zagrebin, A. I. (1987 a) On the fauna of pasture flies of the family Muscidae (Diptera) in the Urals. In: Cherepanov, A. I. (Ed.), Ecology and geography of arthropods in Siberia. Nauka (Siberian Division), Novosibirsk, pp. 231 - 233. [In Russian.]
  • Domazkii, A. N. & Veselkin, G. A. (1989) Specific structure and ecology of zoophilous flies (Diptera, Brachycera-Orthorrhapha, Cyclorrapha), living in a rabbit-breeding complex in the Transurals. In: Nikolaeva, N. V. (Ed.), Insects in the biogeocenozes of the Urals. Vsesoyuznoe entomologicheskoe obshchestvo Urala (Ural Division), Sverdlovsk [= Yekaterinburg], p. 17. [In Russian.]
  • Kutuzova, T. M. (1993) Specific structure and dynamics of a number of flies in the forest-steppe of the Transurals connected with large horned livestock. In: Utochkin, A. S. (Ed.), Fauna and ecology of insects of the Urals. Perm State University, Perm, pp. 71 - 81. [In Russian.]
  • Veselkin, G. A. (1966) Flies (Diptera), satellites of domestic animals and man, in the southern part of the Tyumen' Region. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 45, 779 - 792. [In Russian.] [English translation in Entomological Review, Washington, 45 (4), 439 - 447.]
  • Veselkin, G. A. (1972) Biological principles of the control of synanthropic Diptera in Western Siberia. Proceedings of the 13 th International Congress of Entomology 1968, 3, 270 - 271.
  • Veselkin, G. A. (1989) Specific structure and ecology of flies (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha) that are parasitic on domestic animals in the Kurgan area. In: Nikolaeva, N. V. (Ed.), Insects in the biogeocenozes of the Urals. Vsesoyuznoe entomologicheskoe obshchestvo Urala (Ural Division), Sverdlovsk [= Yekaterinburg], pp. 10 - 11. [In Russian.]
  • Sorokina, V. S. (2006 a) Distribution and ecology of house-flies (Diptera, Muscidae) in West Siberia. Euroasian Entomological Journal, 5, 221 - 233. [In Russian, with English abstract.]
  • Veselkin, G. A. (1981) Fauna and ecology of horn flies (Muscidae) from the territory of the Baikal-Amur railway. Parazitologiya, 15, 371 - 374. [In Russian, with English summary.]
  • Zimin, L. S. & El'berg, K. Ya. (1970) Family Muscidae - true flies. In: Stackelberg, A. A. & Narchuk, E. P. (Eds), Keys to the insects of the European part of the USSR in five volumes (general editor G. Ya. Bey-Bienko). V (2). Diptera, Siphonaptera. Nauka, Leningrad [= St Petersburg], pp. 511 - 595. [In Russian.]
  • Pont, A. C. (1986 a) Family Muscidae. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (Eds), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 11. Scathophagidae - Hypodermatidae. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, pp. 57 - 215.