Published July 24, 2014
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Journal article
A new endemic lineage of the Andean frog genus Telmatobius (Anura, Telmatobiidae) from the western slopes of the central Andes
Sáez, Paola A., Fibla, Pablo, Correa, Claudio, Sallaberry, Michel, Salinas, Hugo, Veloso, Alberto, Mella, Jorge, Iturra, Patricia, Méndez, Marco A. (2014): A new endemic lineage of the Andean frog genus Telmatobius (Anura, Telmatobiidae) from the western slopes of the central Andes. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 171 (4): 769-782, DOI: 10.1111/zoj.12152, URL:
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