Published July 20, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

The transfer of Tritomaria koreana to Lophozia has led to recircumscription of the genus and shown convergence in Lophoziaceae (Hepaticae)

  • 1. Botanical Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makovskogo Street, 142, Vladivostok, 690024, Russia. &;
  • 2. Botanical Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makovskogo Street, 142, Vladivostok, 690024, Russia. &;
  • 3. Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Fersmana Street, 18A, Apatity, Murmansk Province, 184209, Russia. &;
  • 4. Team of National Ecosystem Survey, National Institute of Ecology, Seocheon 33657, South Korea. &;


Bakalin, Vadim, Maltseva, Yuliya, Vilnet, Anna, Choi, Seung Se (2021): The transfer of Tritomaria koreana to Lophozia has led to recircumscription of the genus and shown convergence in Lophoziaceae (Hepaticae). Phytotaxa 512 (1): 41-56, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.512.1.3, URL:



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