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Published August 28, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Cosmological View of Religion and Beliefs towards A New Humanism

  • 1. Nusa Cendana University, Kupang Indonesia
  • 2. STAKN, Kupang, Indonesia


Religion and believing in The One and Only God are identical with vertical relation dimensions between humans and God. This statement becomes an ideological and philosophical principle to bring out the concept and worship practice, including all rituals to build a relationship with God. Perception by any religious people as inherited orally and in writing shows a cosmology vertically and horizontally. Semantic relation between 'Creator' and 'creature' wherein the creature includes the human and nature, so horizontal dimension is essential to support humanity's feelings by religion people and adherent of trust. Cosmological perception is oriented on balance and harmony relation between 'Creator' dan 'creature'. Humans are the centre of the cosmology view because their role as balance and harmony initiators is based on creating, having a taste,  and building intention. This is a new humanism put on humans are the actor to create a relation, both vertically and horizontally. Humans' way of thinking and practice as an "impact activities" religiously or spiritually, socially, and ecologically. Therefore, religious people and adherents of trust problems not only praying but also nature's glory affairs and safety. New humanism is oriented to Godly awareness, non-discriminatory social cohesion, and nature's safety to support human life. New humanism rejects social conflict and the destruction of nature to realise gratitude to God, The  Only 'Creator'.


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