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Published June 30, 2002 | Version v1
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Vestimentiferans (Pogonophora) in the PaciŽc and Indian Oceans: a new genus from Lihir Island (Papua New Guinea) and the Java Trench, with the Žrst report of Arcovestia ivanovi from the North Fiji Basin


Southward, Eve C., Schulze, Anja, Tunnicliffe, Verena (2002): Vestimentiferans (Pogonophora) in the PaciŽc and Indian Oceans: a new genus from Lihir Island (Papua New Guinea) and the Java Trench, with the Žrst report of Arcovestia ivanovi from the North Fiji Basin. Journal of Natural History 36 (10): 1179-1197, DOI: 10.1080/00222930110040402, URL:



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