Published August 27, 2021
| Version 4.1.0
scikit-hep/uproot4: 4.1.0
- Jim Pivarski
- Henry Schreiner1
- Nicholas Smith2
- Chris Burr3
- Giordon Stark4
- Nikolai Hartmann
- Dmitry Kalinkin
- Doug Davis5
- Ryunosuke O'Neil6
- Andrzej Novak
- Ben Greiner
- Beojan Stanislaus7
- ChristopheRappold8
- Cosmin Deaconu9
- Daniel Cervenkov
- Josh Bendavid3
- Kilian Lieret10
- Michele Peresano11
- Raymond Ehlers
- Ruggero Turra
- Tamas Gal12
- Alexander Held13
- 1. Princeton University
- 2. Fermilab
- 3. CERN
- 4. SCIPP, University of California, Santa Cruz
- 5. Anaconda, Inc.
- 6. The University of Edinburgh
- 7. University of Oxford
- 8. IEM - CSIC
- 9. UChicago / EFI
- 10. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
- 11. CEA-Saclay / Irfu
- 12. Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics
- 13. New York University
The main new feature in this release is that Uproot 4 can now write ROOT files. It is no longer necessary to use Uproot 3 for anything: Uproot 4's capabilities exceed Uproot 3's in all ways that are currently known to me.
This was implemented in PRs #405, #406, #408, #409, #412, #414, #415, #416, #420, #421, and was described in Discussion #321. All the new functions are documented, and an overview is presented in the Getting Started Guide.
Other updates for this release:
- @jpivarski removed warning when XRootD is installed but not used: PR #388.
- @chrisburr allowed XRootD version strings to be non-numeric (e.g. from a self-built copy of the library): PR #395.
- @bnavigator marked test 0220 with the network tag, since it uses the network: PR #396.
- @jpivarski handled dimensions in a leaf-list: #399.
- @jpivarski removed '@' fields from lazy Forms, fixing lazy TLorentzVector: PR #403.
- @klieret fixed links to source in Sphinx: PR #410.
- @jpivarski allowed Float16_t to have up to 32 bits: PR #411.
- @veprbl added support for reading TDatime: PR #407.
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