Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Deutella incerta Mayer 1903


Deutella incerta (Mayer, 1903)

(Figs. 1–3)

Luconacia incerta Mayer, 1903: 49 –50, pl.2, figs. 11–14; pl, 6, figs. 73–75; pl. 9, figs. 21, 40, 57.— McCain, 1968: 53 –54, 68– 72, figs. 33–35.

Protellopsis stebbingii Pearse, 1908: 30 –32, fig. 4.

Deutella incerta — Steinberg & Dougherty, 1957: 281, 285–286.— Gable & Lazo-Wasem, 1987: 635 –636, fig. 4.—Guerra- García, 2003b: 1062, fig. 3.—Guerra-García et al. 2006: 164, figs. 9–11.

Material examined: male, 6.32mm, 23º 9' 59,770" S 41º 3' 12,776" W, 105 m MNRJ 24709, female, 5.2mm, 22º 51' 57,512" S 40º 57' 35,058" W, 92m, MNRJ 24710; 1 juvenile, 22º 46' 50,372" S 41º 3' 39,730" W, 78 m MNRJ 24711; 1 juvenile, 22º 4' 9,756" S 40º 7' 5,747" W, 92m, MNRJ 24712; 1 female, 22º 6' 6,272" S 40º 3' 12,696" W, 154m, MNRJ 24713; 1 female, 22º 51' 57,480" S 40º 57' 35,082" W, 92m, MNRJ 24714; 1 female, 1 male 23º 11' 24,493" S 41º 0' 55,751" W, 177m, MNRJ 24715; 1 female, 23º 10' 0,291" S 41º 3' 12,651" W, 107m, MNRJ 24716.

Diagnosis. Male, 6.32mm. Head convex, lacking rostrum; head spine bent forward; pereonite 2 with spine; pereopod 5 6-articulate, inserted at middle part of pereonite 5.

Antenna 1 flagellum 8-articulate; head and pereonite 2 with a pair of dorsal projections with size varying according to onthogenetic growth; gnathopod 2, basis 3 times longer than broad, about 0.75 times pereonite 2 length; ischium subequal to merus and carpus together; merus 2 times length of carpus; side plates present at pereonites 3 and 4, projected ventrally; male abdomen appendages 1-articulate.

Description. Head: Left mandible pars incisiva 5-toothed, lacinia mobilis 4-toothed; mandibular palp 3- articulate, distal article bearing distal setae; last article setal formula 1-6-1. Right mandible pars incisive 5-toothed, lacinia mobilis strongly serrate, row of three plumose setae. Maxilla 1: inner lobe with five setae; palp with four robust setae, and a small medial seta. Maxilla 2: inner lobe with four setae; outer lobe with seven setae. Maxilliped inner lobe with two lateral setae; outer lobe more than 2 times inner lobe length, with five lateral setae; palp 4- articulate; article 2 with five lateral setae; article 3 bearing a crown of six setae; last article slightly serrate.

Thorax: Gnathopod 1 ischium 0.5 times merus length; merus with two ventral setae; propodus subequal to ischium and merus together, bearing two ventral setae; palm serrate with six small proximal setae and two distal ones; dactylus smooth. Gnathopod 2 ischium, merus and carpus subequal in length and width; propodus with large concavity at medial part and bifid process at distal part; dactylus slightly setose. Pereopods 3-4 2-articulate, first article with two distal setae; last article with apical setae. Insertion of pereopod 5 at medial part. Pereopod 5 6- articulate, with merus, carpus and propodus subequal in length and setose, dactylus strong, up to 0.5 times propodus length.

Abdomen: With a pair of lobes; pair of appendages 1-articulate and with 2 apical setae.

Female, 5.2mm. Antenna 1 flagellum 8-articulate; head and pereonites 2 with a pair of dorsal projections; pereonites 3 and 4 with dorsal humps and expanded ventrally, oostegites large, 0.8 times pereonites width. Gnathopod 2 basis length three times width; gnathopod 2 propodus largest width at medio-proximal portion; palm rugged with 15 small setae; abdomen with pair of lobes with three small apical setae, no appendage.

Distribution. Type Locality: off Mobile Bay, Alabama, Gulf of Mexico, 29°24´N, 88°04´W (Guerra-Garcia, 2003b). Other localities: Bermuda, east coast of North America from Woods Hole, Massachusetts to Strait of Florida; Gulf of Mexico from Cedar Keys, Florida to Yucatan; Virgin Islands; Barbuda; Barbados; Isla de Margarita, Aruba (Guerra-Garcia, 2003b). Brazil: Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro, 78–177m (present study).

Ecology. This species has been collected on mangrove roots, Sargassum, Thalassia, sponges, hydroids, alcyonacians, ascidians and it has occasionally been taken in plankton tows (Guerra-García, 2003b).

Remarks. Deutella currently comprises 12 species, with no previous records in Brazil (Lowry, 2014). Guerra- García (2002a) described two new species of Deutella for the Indian Ocean: D. antonbruuni and D. indica. In the same year Guerra-García (2002b) described D. philipinensis for the tropical Indo-Pacific and gave a distributional map for the nine species considered for the genus. Later on, Guerra-Garcia (2003b) synonymized Luconacia Mayer, 1903 to Deutella and revised Deutella including eight species. Furthermore, Guerra-García et al. (2006) described D. caribensis and considered Deutella with 12 species, as is currently accepted (Lowry, 2014). The present material agrees with Deutella incerta description in the presence of pair of dorsal projections on head and pereonite 2, mandibular palp setal formula (1-x- 1) (x=3–10 setae), and male gnathopod 2 with large concavity at medial part followed by a bifid process (McCain, 1968; Guerra-Garcia, 2003b). From the 12 known species, Deutella incerta resembles D. aspiducha Gable & Lazo-Wasem, 1987, D. californica Mayer,1890, and D. venenosa Mayer, 1890 for the presence of dorsal projections on head and pereonite 2 in both males and females. However, in D. aspiducha and D. venenosa there is a single projection on head and on pereonite 2, while in D.

incerta and D. californica there is a pair of projections on these somites. Deutella incerta can be distinguished from D. californica as well as from D. aspiducha by the male gnathopod 2 basis and pereopod 5 dactylus length. A more complete comparison with these close species is given in Table 2.

Diagnosis. Body elongate; pereopods 3–4 present and 1–2 articulate; pereonite 5 generally reaching pereonites 3– 4 length together; male abdomen with 1 pair of lobes and 1–2 pairs of appendages 1–2 articulated; female with a pair of lobes (modified from Guerra-García, 2004).


Published as part of Mauro, Fábio Da Motta & Serejo, Cristiana Silveira, 2015, The family Caprellidae (Amphipoda: Caprelloidea: Caprellidae) from Campos Basin, Southwestern Atlantic, with a key of species occurring in Brazil, pp. 103-127 in Zootaxa 4006 (1) on pages 106-110, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4006.1.5,


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Deutella incerta Mayer, 1903 sec. Mauro & Serejo, 2015


  • Mayer, P. (1903) Die Caprellidae der Siboga - Expedition. Siboga - Expeditie, 34, 1 - 160. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 53742
  • McCain, J. C. (1968) The Caprellidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of the Western North Atlantic. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 278, 1 - 147. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 03629236.278
  • Pearse, A. S. (1908) Descriptions of four new species of amphipodous Crustacea from the Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 34 (1594), 27 - 32. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00963801.34 - 1594.27
  • Steinberg, J. E. & Dougherty, E. C. (1957) The skeleton shrimp (Crustacea, Caprellidae) of the Gulf of Mexico. Tulane Studies in Zoology, 5, 267 - 288.
  • Gable, M. F. & Lazo-Wasem, E. A. (1987) The caprellids (Amphipoda: Caprellida) of Bermuda: a survey of specimens collected from 1876 - 1987, including cave inhabitants, and the description of Deutella aspiducha, new species. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 100, 629 - 639.
  • Guerra-Garcia, J. M. (2003 b) Revision of the genus Deutella (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidea) with description of a new species, redescription of Deutella venenosa Mayer, 1890 and a key to the species of Deutella. Journal of Natural History, 37, 1059 - 1084. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222930110104267
  • Lowry, J. K. (2014) Deutella Mayer, 1890. In: Horton, T., Lowry, J. K. & De Broyer, C. (2013 onwards) World Amphipoda Database. Available from: http: // www. marinespecies. org / amphipoda / aphia. php? p = taxdetails & id = 101431 (accessed on 0 4 January 2015)
  • Guerra-Garcia, J. M. (2002 a) Two new species of Deutella Mayer, 1890 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Pariambidae) collected by the R. V. " Anton Bruun " during the International Indian Ocean Expedition 1963 - 1964. Zootaxa, 74, 1 - 18.
  • Guerra-Garcia, J. M. (2002 b) Littoral caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidea) from Philippines, with the description of a new species. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 50 (2), 395 - 406.
  • Mayer, P. (1890) Die Caprelliden. des Golfes Von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres - Abschnitte. Fauna und Flora des Golfes Von Neapel, 17, 1 - 55. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 53624
  • Guerra-Garcia, J. M. (2004) Deep - sea Caprellidea (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from Azores with the description of three new species. Zoosystema, 26 (2), 235 - 262.