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Published August 25, 2021 | Version v1.0
Software Open

Linneahav/Havmoller-et-al.-2021-Arboreal-monkeys-facilitate-foraging-of-terrestrial-frugivores.-Biotropica: Havmoller et al. 2021 Biotropica

  • 1. Natural History Museum of Denmark, Research and Collections, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, 2100 Copenhagen OE, Denmark
  • 2. Department for the Ecology of Animal Societies, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Bücklestraße 5, 78467, Konstanz, Germany
  • 3. Department of Anthropology, University of California Davis, 1 Shields Avenue Davis, 95616 California, USA
  • 4. College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University, 1 James Cook Dr, Douglas Queensland 4811, Australia
  • 5. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Ancón, Republic of Panama
  • 6. North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, 11 West Jones Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 2760, USA


This is the up-to-date code written for the analysis associated with Havmoller et al. 2021: "Arboreal monkeys facilitate foraging of terrestrial frugivores."



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