Published March 20, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Panerema kamtshatica Belokobylskij & Kula 2012, sp. n.


Panerema kamtshatica Belokobylskij, sp. n.

(Figs 97–107, 126)

Type material. Holotype: female, Russia, “ Kamchatka, 20 km S [N] Kozyrevsk, vyrubki [cutted forest], 21.VII 1985, Belokobylskij ” (ZISP).

Description. Female. Body length 3.30 mm; fore wing length 1.10 mm.

Head width 1.80 times median length, 1.45 times maximum length, 1.75 times width of mesoscutum. Head behind eyes rather distinctly convex anteriorly, roundly narrowed posteriorly. Width of head at level of eyes barely wider than at level of temples. Temple as long as transverse diameter of eye. Ocelli rather small, in triangle with base 1.20 times sides. POL 1.40 times Od, 0.45 times OOL. Eyes with short and rather sparse setae, 1.30 times as high as broad. Malar space very short. Face convex, with rather distinct transverse median and rather wide depression; width of face 1.50 times median height, 1.60 times maximum diameter of eye. Clypeus convex, ventral margin weakly concave. Tentorial pits small. Mandible almost parallel-sided, length 1.65 times maximum width. Upper tooth rather large, distinctly narrowed toward apex, rounded apically. Median tooth not long, rather narrow, straight, pointed apically. Notch between upper and median teeth deep and pointed-angled. Lower tooth short, wide, widely rounded apically.

Antenna rather thick, weakly setiform, with 23 flagellomeres, almost as long as body. First flagellomere 3.30 times longer than apical width, 1.30 times longer than second flagellomere. Penultimate flagellomere 1.80 times longer than wide, 0.45 times as long as first flagellomere, 0.85 times as long as apical flagellomere; the latter obtuse apically.

Mesosoma weakly reduced, 1.30 times longer than high. Notauli deep and coarsely rugose-crenulate in anterior half, shallow, smooth, fused in posterior 0.25 and then following as single and shallow depression. Mesoscutum with wide, distinct, and complete marginal flange. Prescutellar depression deep, long, with long median carina, finely rugulose to smooth, 0.90 times as long as scutellum. Scutellum rather small, convex, with shallow and finely rugose transverse depression in posterior 0.20. Metanotum with short, wide, and rounded median tooth. Precoxal suture wide and deep anteriorly, but shallow and narrow posteriorly, entirely coarsely crenulate, running along entire lower length of mesopleuron. Furrow along mesopleural suture very densely and distinctly crenulate. Propodeal spiracle small.

Wings. Fore wing reaching almost middle of first tergum, 2.60 times longer than wide. Pterostigma short and narrow. Radial vein arising from middle of pterostigma. With the following veins discernible: costal, mediocubital, first abscissa of longitudinal anal, basal, nervulus, second abscissa of medial, first radiomedial, first and basal part of second abscissa of radial. In hind wing, medial and submedial cells distinct and closed.

Legs. Hind femur slender, claviform, 4.70 times longer than maximum width. Hind tarsus almost as long as hind tibia. Hind basitarsus 0.65 times as long as second through fifth tarsomeres combined. Second tarsomere 0.45 times as long as basitarsus, 1.20 times longer than fifth tarsomere (without pretarsus). Claws rather short and strongly curved.

Metasoma more or less compressed laterally, almost as long as head and mesosoma combined. First tergum rather long and narrow, with strong dorsal carinae fused in basal 0.30 and then following as single carina to apex of tergum; with distinct spiracular tubercles situated shortly before middle; dorsope deep. Apical width of first tergum twice minimum width; length 1.70 times apical width. Groove between second and third terga present, but very shallow. Ovipositor weakly curved, sheath almost as long as first metasomal tergum, 0.45 times as long as hind tibia, almost as long as hind basitarsus, 0.50 times as long as mesosoma.

Sculpture and pubescence. Head smooth, face in upper half medially finely punctate. Mesoscutum mostly smooth, median lobe widely areolate-rugose with granulation between notauli on vertical part; scutellum smooth. Mesopleuron mainly smooth. Subalar depression coarsely carinate. Metapleuron smooth anteriorly, mostly coarsely rugose-strigate. Propodeum without keels and areas, entirely coarsely rugose-areolate. Hind coxa smooth; hind femur mostly smooth, narrowly rugulose medially. First tergum distinctly and curvedly carinate. Mesoscutum glabrous, with rather short and sparse setae along notauli and laterally, with dense setose spots antero-laterally. Hind tibia with dense, not long, and semi-erect setae.

Color. Body predominantly black, partly with reddish tint; metasoma behind first tergum reddish brown, paler ventrally. Mandible reddish brown. Antennae brownish yellow to yellowish brown, brown to dark brown in apical 0.30. Palpi yellow. Legs brownish yellow, hind tibia and tarsus faintly infuscate. Wings faintly infuscate. Pterostigma brown.

Male. Unknown.

Diagnosis. This new species is similar to P. inops but differs as follows: first flagellomere 1.30 times longer than second flagellomere; tentorial pits large; frontal groove very shallow; eyes with short and rather sparse setae; medial mandibular tooth long; mesoscutum with wide, distinct, and complete marginal flange; subposterior transverse depression of scutellum shallow; discoidal cell of fore wing open widely; hind femur slender; and dorsal carinae of first metasomal tergum fused in basal 0.30.

Distribution. Russia (Kamchatka).


Published as part of Belokobylskij, Sergey A. & Kula, Robert R., 2012, Review of the brachypterous, micropterous, and apterous Braconidae of the cyclostome lineage (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) from the Palearctic Region 3240, pp. 1-62 in Zootaxa 3240 (1) on pages 43-45, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3240.1.1,


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Belokobylskij & Kula
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Panerema kamtshatica Belokobylskij, 2012