There is a newer version of the record available.

Published August 24, 2021 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Facilitating Onwards Sharing of Safe and Clean Microdata [Train the Trainer Workshop]

  • 1. UK Data Service, UK Data Archive, University of Essex


The online hands-on workshop was aimed at trainers and support staff looking to introduce semi-automated tools in data management training sessions/materials. It provided a platform for discussion around best practices for introducing researchers to key principles of assessing data quality and conducting statistical disclosure control (SDC) for quantitative data.

The workshop’s main objective was to enable trainers to introduce the main key concepts about numeric data quality assessment and disclosure control in training sessions, alongside hands-on practice with existing open-source tools. The workshop has promoted the use of the CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide and open source resource created by European experts to assist social science researchers in making their research data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

Standard exercises and presentations used have been uploaded for future use.

