Published August 24, 2021 | Version 1.0.0
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PISCES-v2 1D configuration used to study POC dynamics as observed by BGC-Argo floats

  • 1. Barcelona Supercomputing Center


This repository provides the code used in the following articles (currently preprints):

- Falls et al. (2021). Use of Genetic Algorithms for Ocean Model Parameter Optimisation: A Case Study using PISCES v2 for North Atlantic POC.

- Galí et al. (2021). Bridging the gaps between particulate backscattering measurements and modeled particulate organic carbon in the ocean.


The repository contains the minimal amount of information needed to run a PISCES offline 1D configuration, "P1D", based on NEMO-4.0.1. It only tracks fortran routines that had to be edited (cfgs/P1D/MY_SRC) and namelists (cfgs/P1D/EXP00). We also provide the file, which must be placed in the model runtime directory (along with all other input files) to be able to use the tracer damping. In particular, this file is used to restore the vertical profile of inorganic nutrients towards the annual climatological mean below the surface productive layer. To activate the damping, one must set 'ln_trcdmp = .true.' in the namelist_top_cfg.


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