Published March 28, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Campylaspis heardi Petrescu 2018, sp. nov.


Campylaspis heardi sp. nov.

Figs 16, 17

Holotype subadult ♀, 8.75 mm, P.64736, Australia, NSW, east of Broken Bay, -33.62° 152.07°, 896–923 m, dredge, 10 Dec 1980, R. T. Springthorpe, FRV Kapala, K80-20-09, in AM. Paratypes: 1♂, P.88222; 1♀, P.88221; 1♀ (diss.) MGAB CUM 1653; 1♂ (diss.) MGAB CUM 1654, all same data as holotype; 1♂, P.88223.

Etymology. The species is dedicated to Dr Richard W. Heard Jr, specialist in Peracarida (Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Department of Coastal Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi, U.S.A.), as a sign of gratitude for his generous help and friendship he offered to me in the right moment.

Diagnosis. Carapace 0.46 body length, densely spiny, with 1 pair of acute tubercles at basis of frontal lobe; pleonites with spines; maxilliped 2 propodal seta longer than dactylar teeth; pereopod 2 dactylus 3.2 propodus length, with terminal seta; uropod peduncle 2.9 pleonite 6, 2.7 endopod length, 2 longitudinal serrate crests; exopod 0.7 of endopod length; endopod with 3 simple setae in female and 8 simple setae in male.

Description of female. Carapace 0.5 body length, 1.9 as long as high, densely spiny integument with a pair of acute tubercles at basis of frontal lobe, notch present; small ocular lobe, eyeless; pseudorostral lobes meeting in front of ocular lobe, 0.3 carapace length (Fig. 16 A, B). — Pereonite 1 almost covered by carapace. Spiny pleonites. — Antenna 1 peduncle with serrate margins, article 1 0.6 rest of article’s length; article 3 1.1 article 2 length; main flagellum 0.8 article 3 length, with 3 articles; accessory flagellum with 2 articles; aesthetascs 0.8 main flagellum length (Fig. 16 C). — Maxilliped 2 basis fused with ischium, longer than rest of article’s length, with 2 plumose setae; propodus, 2nd longest article, with 1 protuberance medially with 1 seta simple longer than dactylar 3 teeth (Fig. 16 D). — Maxilliped 3 basis 0.9 rest of article’s length, with 5 plumose setae; merus 6 ischium length, with 2 strong teeth and 1 plumose seta; carpus 1.45 merus length, with 8 robust interspersed with smaller teeth medially, serrate laterally, with 1 simple and 1 plumose seta; propodus 0.4 carpus length, with 2 robust teeth and 2 pappose setae; dactylus 0.5 propodus length, with 3 simple setae; with exopod (Fig. 16 E). — Pereopod 1 basis 0.9 rest of article’s length, with 7 plumose setae; merus 1.6 ischium length, with 1 plumose seta; carpus 1.25 merus length, strongly serrate medially, with 1 simple and 8 plumose setae; propodus 0.3 carpus length, with 6 plumose setae; dactylus 0.8 propodus length, with 6 long simple setae; with exopod (Fig. 16 F). — Pereopod 2 basis 0.3 pereopod length, with 2 plumose setae; merus 7.5 ischium length, with 1 plumose and 2 simple setae; carpus 1.4 merus length, with 1 tooth and 4 plumose setae; dactylus 3.2 propodus length, with 7 plumose and 3 simple setae; with exopod (Fig. 16 G). — Pereopods 3 and 4 with decreasing basis and increasing carpus, pereopod 5 with shorter carpus; dactylus with 1 simple terminal seta (Fig. 16 H-J). — Uropod peduncle 2.3 pleonite 6 length, 2.6 endopod length, with serrate margins, median longitudinal serrate crest; exopod 0.8 endopod length, serrate margins, terminal stout simple seta; endopod with serrate margins, 2 medial setae and 1 terminal, longer, seta (Fig. 16 K).

Description of male. Body length 9.75 mm. — Carapace 2 longer than high; serrate anterolateral margin (Fig. 17 A). — Pereonites 3–5 with dorsal spines and pereonites 2-5 with dorsal setae. — Pleonites 1–3 with dorsal spines, each pleonite with dorsal setae. — Antenna 1 peduncle article 1 1.3 rest article’s length; main flagellum with 4 articles accessory flagellum with 2 articles; aesthetascs 1.4 main flagellum length (Fig. 17 B, C). — Maxilliped 3 basis, 0.5 maxilliped length, with 6 simple short setae medially, 2 pappose and 2 plumose setae, serrate medially; ischium with 1 tooth and 2 plumose setae; merus 1.8 ischium length, with 2 large teeth and 2 plumose setae; carpus 1.6 merus length, with 4 spines medially; propodus 0.2 carpus length, with extremities longer than dactylus; with exopod (Fig. 17 D, E). — Pereopod 1 basis 1.1 rest of article’s length, with 6 plumose setae; basis to propodus with serrate margins; merus 2.8 ischium length, with 1 plumose seta; carpus 1.25 merus length, with 6 plumose setae; propodus 0.5 carpus length, with 1 simple and 6 plumose setae; dactylus 0.9 propodus length, with 5 simple setae; with exopod (Fig. 17 F). — Pereopod 2 basis longer 0.5 pereopod length, with 1 plumose seta, numerous simple short setae on both margins; merus 4 ischium length, with 2 simple and 1 plumose seta; carpus 1.6 merus length, with 1 simple and 3 plumose setae; dactylus 4.3 propodus length, with 7 simple and 3 plumose setae; with exopod (Fig. 17 G). — Pereopods 3–5 decreasing basia and increasing carpus, with simple and plumose setae; dactylus fused with terminal seta; pereopods 3, 4 with exopods (Fig. 17 H–J). — Uropod peduncle 2.9 pleonite 6 length, 2.7 endopod length, serrate margins, 2 median longitudinal serrate crests, 7 simple and 6 microserrate setae; exopod 0.7 endopod length, with serrate margins, with 2 simple setae; endopod with longitudinal serrate crest, with 7 simple and 1 terminal simple seta (Fig. 17 K).

Remarks. Campylaspis heardi sp. nov. has no lateral sulcus as in C. longidentata Petrescu, 2006 and C. serrata Petrescu, 2006. Campylaspis heardi sp. nov. differs from C. longidentata mainly by: carapace without pits, maxilliped 2 with much shorter teeth, dactylus without digitiform tip, uropod with exopod shorter than endopod. It differs from C. serrata by: tiny spines instead of club-like setae and pits, small ocular lobe, maxilliped 3 with larger articles with strong serration vs. short serration; uropod with shorter exopod than endopod, peduncle with longitudinal crest vs. peduncle without crest.

Distribution. Australia: NSW—east of Broken Bay, at 896–923 m depth.


Published as part of Petrescu, Iorgu, 2018, On the Family Nannastacidae (Crustacea, Cumacea) from the Australian Museum Collection, pp. 1-111 in Records of the Australian Museum 70 (1) on pages 16-17, DOI: 10.3853/j.2201-4349.70.2018.1645,


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Collection code
Event date
Material sample ID
CUM 1653 , CUM 1654
Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Campylaspis heardi Petrescu, 2018


  • Petrescu, I. 2006. Nannastacidae (Crustacea: Cumacea) from eastern Bass Strait, the south-eastern Australian slope, and Antarctica in the collections of Museum Victoria. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 63 (2): 129 - 173. https: // doi. org / 10.24199 / j. mmv. 2006.63.14