Published March 28, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Campylaspis gherasimi Petrescu 2018, sp. nov.


Campylaspis gherasimi sp. nov.

Fig. 13

Holotype subadult ♂, 6.14 mm, P.64834, Australia, NSW, east of Long Reef, -33.72° 151.77°, 174 m, epibenthic sled, 20 Dec 1985, J.K. Lowry, R. T. Springthorpe, FRV Kapala, K85-21-08, in AM. Paratype: 1♂, P.88246.

Etymology. The species is dedicated in honour of Paul Gherasim, famous Romanian painter, as a sign of love and highly respect for all he has done for me and my family.

Diagnosis. Carapace, 0.44 body length, almost rectangular in dorsal view; maxilliped 3 basis, 0.83 rest of article’s length; pereopod 2 dactylus 2.6 propodus length; uropodal peduncle 2.4 pleonite 6, 1.85 endopod length; exopod 0.8 endopod length.

Description. Carapace, 0.44 body length, 2 as long as high, 1.38 as long as wide, almost rectangular in dorsal view, anterior margin rectangular, with median elevation, rounded anteroventral corner; large lateral sulcus opening posteriorly, transverse ridge on anterior part; pair of large crests on posterior end; eyelobe very small, without lenses; pseudorostrum 0.21 carapace length; carapace covering first 2 pereonites (Fig. 13 A, B). — Pleonites 1–4 each with pair of dorsal tubercles and pair of lateral crests, pleonite 5 with mid-dorsal ridge, 2 pairs of oblique ridges towards dorsal ridge, 1 pair of lateral crests, pleonite 6 without ornamentation. — Antenna 1 peduncle article 1 0.74 rest of article’s length; main flagellum 1.2 peduncle articles 1 and 2 length, accessory flagellum with 1 article; aesthetascs 0.7 main flagellum length (Fig. 13 C). — Maxilliped 3, basis, 0.83 rest of article’s length, with 3 plumose setae; ischium 0.08 basis length, with 1 tooth; merus 6.4 ischium length, serrate margins, with 2 plumose setae; carpus, 0.65 merus length, with serrate margins, with 2 pappose setae, 1 plumose seta; propodus 0.37 carpus length, with 5 pappose setae; dactylus 0.5 propodus length, with 3 simple setae; with exopod (Fig. 13 D). — Pereopod 1 basis 0.9 rest of article’s length; merus 6.6 ischium length; carpus 1.25 merus length, with 6 simple setae; propodus 0.6 carpus length, 5 simple setae; dactylus 0.6 propodus length, with 3 simple setae; with exopod (Fig. 13 E). — Pereopod 2, basis 0.6 rest of article’s length; ischium to dactylus much slender than basis; merus 5.5 ischium length, with 1 simple seta; carpus 1.5 merus length, with 5 simple setae; dactylus 2.6 propodus length, with 10 microserrate setae; with exopod (Fig. 13 F). — Pereopod 3, basis 1.4 rest of article’s length, with 1 simple seta; ischium with 1 simple seta; merus 1.6 ischium length, with 1 simple seta; carpus 2.25 merus length, with 2 simple setae; propodus 0.44 carpus length, with 1 annulate seta; dactylus 0.5 propodus length, fused with terminal robust seta; with exopod (Fig. 13 G). — Pereopod 4, basis 1.04 rest of article’s length; ischium with 1 simple seta; merus 2.2 ischium length, with 1 simple seta; carpus 2.18 merus length, with 2 simple setae; propodus 0.6 carpus length; dactylus 0.5 propodus length, fused with terminal robust seta; with exopod (Fig. 13 H). — Pereopod 5, basis 0.6 rest of article’s length; ischium 0.18 basis length, with 1 simple seta; merus 3 ischium length, with 1 simple seta; carpus 1.13 merus length, with 1 simple seta; propodus 0.4 carpus length, with 1 annulate seta; dactylus 0.5 propodus length, fused with terminal robust seta (Fig. 13 I). — Uropod peduncle 2.4 pleonite 6 length, 1.85 endopod length, serrate medially; exopod 0.8 endopod length, 1 subterminal simple and 1 terminal microserrate simple seta, 0.57 exopod length; endopod with 8 microserrate setae, 1 robust terminal microserrate seta, 0.57 endopod length (Fig. 13 J).

Remarks. The carapace of C. gherasimi sp. nov. is more rectangular in dorsal view than C. rectangulata Petrescu, 2006, but has a transverse ridge anteriorly as in C. dumitrumurariui sp. nov. and C. edenensis Petrescu (2006). The new species has a massive merus and carpus of maxilliped 3 as in C. mioarae sp. nov., but without a process on the medial margin of the basis; pereopod 2 dactylus without a digitiform tip like in C. dumitrumurariui, C. mioarae, not like in C. rectangulata; the new species has an uropodal endopod with 8 medial setae, not like in other Australian species with 9 or 10 setae.

Distribution. Australia: NSW—east of Long Reef, at 174 m depth.


Published as part of Petrescu, Iorgu, 2018, On the Family Nannastacidae (Crustacea, Cumacea) from the Australian Museum Collection, pp. 1-111 in Records of the Australian Museum 70 (1) on page 15, DOI: 10.3853/j.2201-4349.70.2018.1645,


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Collection code
R, T, AM
Event date
Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Campylaspis gherasimi Petrescu, 2018


  • Petrescu, I. 2006. Nannastacidae (Crustacea: Cumacea) from eastern Bass Strait, the south-eastern Australian slope, and Antarctica in the collections of Museum Victoria. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 63 (2): 129 - 173. https: // doi. org / 10.24199 / j. mmv. 2006.63.14