Published August 22, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Observed fluxes of POC, PIC and bSi at EqPac, HAUSGARTEN, OSP, PAP-SO and BATS/OFP from sediment traps and radioisotopes on depth profiles


  • 1. University of Oxford


This dataset contains a compilation of observed fluxes of sinking particulate material (particulate organic carbon or POC, particulate inorganic carbon or PIC, and biogenic silica or bSi) at five ocean time-series sites obtained from sediment traps and radioisotopes. The five time-series sites were selected upon abundance of data on a monthly and depth basis. The sites are:

  1. Equatorial Pacific Process Studi (EqPac) in the upwelling region of the equatorial Pacific
  2. Long-Term Ecological Research observatory HAUSGARTEN, in the eastern Fram Strait, off Svalbard, at the Atlantic-Arctic boundary.
  3. Ocean Station Papa (OSP), in the southern portion of the Alaska Gyre in the NE subarctic Pacific
  4. Porcupine Abyssal Plain time-Series Observatory (PAP-SO), in the NE Atlantic off the SW of the UK
  5. Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series/Oceanic Flux Program joint site (BATS/OFP), in the northern Sargasso Sea, in the subtropical NW Atlantic 

The compilation contains a total of 7013 data points, where BATS/OFP accumulates 50% of all of them, followed by OSP (28%), HAUSGARTEN (10%), PAP-SO (10%) and EqPac (2%). The bulk of the collected data is in the euphotic zone and POC flux has a higher count than PIC and bSi. The origin of the 98% of the data is sediment traps, the remaining 2% (157 data points) are surface fluxes derived from radioisotopes.



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Controls over Ocean Mesopelagic Interior Carbon Storage (COMICS) NE/M020908/1
UK Research and Innovation