Published August 19, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Anania perlucidalis

  • 1. Institute for Evolutionary Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 37, Academician Lebediev St., 03143, Kyiv, Ukraine.
  • 2. Tuzly Lagoons National Nature Park, 2, Partyzanska St., 68100, Tatarbunary, Odesa region, Ukraine.
  • 3. T. I. Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station - Nature Reserve of RAS, Kurortnoye, Pheodosia, Crimea Republic, 298188. budashkin @ ukr. net; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7824 - 8338
  • 4. Regional center of tourism and local history for students, 46 A, Nemirovich-Danchenko St., 69091, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. a. zhakov @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6113 - 8375
  • 5. Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
  • 6. Hradenytsi, Odesa region, Ukraine.


Anania perlucidalis (Hübner, 1809)

Material examined: 1 ex., Odesa reg., Odesa distr., Gradenytsi, 25.VII.2015 (S. Novytskyi) (SN). 1♀, Zaporizhzhia reg., Zaporizhzhia distr., Nyzhnia Hortytsia, 27.VI.2017 (V. Mushynskyi, O. Zhakov). 1♂, Zaporizhzhia reg., Melitopol distr., Myrne, 6.VIII.2015 (V. Mushynskyi) (all VM).

Distribution: Europe, except South (Slamka 2013); Turkey (Koçak & Kemal 2018); Russia: Kaliningrad region, Karelia, C of European part, Middle Volga region, S Urals, Far East (Sinev & Streltsov 2019); Ukraine: Kyiv (Lebedev 1937), Kharkiv (Karolinskiy et al. 2017, 2018), Luhansk (Pak 1998a) regions and Crimea (Budashkin 1992), first records for Odesa and Zaporizhzhia regions.


Published as part of Yepishin, Viktor, Khalaim, Yevhenii, Budashkin, Yuriy, Zhakov, Oleksandr, Mushynskyi, Vadym & Novytskyi, Sergiy, 2021, New records of pyraloid moths (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea) from different regions of Ukraine, pp. 366-388 in Zootaxa 5023 (3) on page 382, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5023.3.3,


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  • Slamka, F. (2013) Pyraloidea of Europe (Lepidoptera). Vol. 3. Pyraustinae & Spilomelinae. F. Slamka, Bratislava, 357 pp.
  • Kocak, A. O. & Kemal, M. (2018) A synonymous and distributional list of the species of the Lepidoptera of Turkey. Centre for Entomological Studies, Memoirs, 8, 1 - 487.
  • Lebedev, A. G. (1937) A contribution to the Knowledge of the Biocoenosis of Foliate Forests (p. III). Travaux de l`Institut de zoologie et biologie, IX. Recherches sur l`ecologie des animaux terrestres, 3, 25 - 71. [in Ukrainian]
  • Karolinskiy, Ye. A., Demyanenko, S. A., Zhakov, A. V. & Mushinskiy, V. G. (2017) On the fauna of Lepidoptera (Insecta) of the National Nature Park " Dvorichanskyi " (Kharkiv Region, Ukraine) and its environs. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 25 (1), 5 - 47. [in Russian, abstract in English]
  • Pak, O. V. (1998 a) Materials on Pyraloidea (Lepidoptera) new for the South-Western Ukraine. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 6 (2), 70 - 73. [in Russian, abstract in English]
  • Budashkin, Yu. I. (1992) Pyralid moths (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea) of Kara-Dah nature reserve (Crimea). Problems of general and molecular biology, 10, 23 - 33. [in Ukrainian]