Published August 19, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Fog Computing Based IoT System: A Review


Due to the rapid accelerated development of IoT technologies, the traditional generation cloud computing model is faced with a range of problems, including high latency, low bandwidth, and network problems. Fog computing is a new promising feature that enables legitimate cloud application services will be provided close to something like the physical IoT device at the edge devices rather than in the cloud. It's a layer that lies between the cloud and the Iot. computers that enables unified internet-based computing. How about sending IoT information to the cloud, the fog processes and stores it remotely at IoT computers. The fog in comparison to the cloud, offers resources that are more sensitive and of higher quality. As a result, fog computing could be the best option for enabling the IoT to deliver effective and reliable services to a huge number of IoT clients. After that, we'll go over some of the literature and outline the findings.



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