Published April 30, 2008 | Version v1
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Figure 9 in A further study on littoral ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) near King George Island, Antarctica, with description of a new genus and seven new species


Figure 9. Chlamydonella apoprostomata nov. spec. (A–G), Litonotus sp. (H, I, K) and Hartmannula angustipilosa (J) after protargol impregnation. (A, B) Ventral view of anterior portion, to show the preoral kineties (arrows). (C) The same specimen as A, to show the cytostome (arrow). (D, G) Dorsal view, to show the apical fragment (arrow and arrowheads). (E) Detail of anterior part, ventral view, to show the argentophilic granules (arrowheads) and the terminal fragment (arrow). (F) Ventral view, to show the gradually shortened somatic kineties (arrowheads). (H) Left view, to show the dorsal brush (arrow). (I) Right view, note the shortened somatic kineties (arrowheads). (J) Ventral view, to show the macronucleus (arrow) and the shortened somatic kineties (arrowheads). (K) Left view, to show the macronuclei (arrowheads) and the ridges (arrows). Scale bars: 30 Mm (C); 50 Mm (I); 40 Mm (J).


Published as part of Wilbert, Norbert & Song, Weibo, 2008, A further study on littoral ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) near King George Island, Antarctica, with description of a new genus and seven new species, pp. 979-1012 in Journal of Natural History 42 (13-14) on page 1005, DOI: 10.1080/00222930701877540,



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