Published March 31, 2021 | Version v1.0
Project milestone Open

MS49 Heritage Science and Humanities Pilot alpha release


Abstract: Milestone 49 of the SSHOC project concerns the release of a “data pilot” project, based on
a modular approach, based on a complete and documented workflow - to be published in the SSHOC
Open Marketplace - composed of open access tools and of best practices supporting digital
humanities and heritage science data integration. The resulting platform (RESTORE), will foster the
integration and interoperability of datasets provided by different GLAM institutions, using different
(domain driven) data structures and information standards used in the DH and HS domains, such
as: EAD/EAC-CFP, ICCD, TEI, etc. This report provides an overall description of the alpha version of
the platform.


MS49 Heritage Science and Humanities Pilot alpha release (1).pdf

Files (332.3 kB)

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European Commission
SSHOC – Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud 823782