Published December 20, 1946 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Fulvius angustatus Usinger 1946, new species


65. Fulvius angustatus, new species.

Slender with margins of coria only moderately rounded, evenly beset with short, thick, dppressed hairs on upper surface, the hairs most conspicuous on hemelytra, restricted to middle of vertex on head.

Head slightly longer than broad, 22: 20, the antebcular portion slightly shorter than an eye, 9: 10. Interocular space in the male but little wider than an eye, 7: 6, the vertex feebly longitudinally impressed at middle. Rostrum slightly exceeding apices of hind coxae, the first segment not reaching base of head; proportion of segments approximately 15: 17: 17: 14. Antennae one third longer than costal margin of corium and cuneus, 80: 60, the first segment as long as pronotum at middle, second segment as long as width of pronotum at base, gradually thickened toward apex; proportion of segments 15: 32: 14: 19.

Pronotum much shorter on median line than head, 15:22, about as wide across anterior collar as long and over twice as broad posteriorly as long on median line, 32: 15. Anterior collar distinct, front margin feebly concave at middle. Side margins distinctly concave, sinuate, hind margin rather deeply, broadly concave, thus broadly exposing mesonotum. Pronotal disk very finely granulate-punctate as are the disks of head and scutellum, the middle of pronotal disk broadly convex, the subdepressed posterior disk feebly, transversely rugose medially. Mesonotum and scutellum together almost as long at middle as broad at base, the disk of mesonotum smooth and naked antero-laterally and with shorter hairs than scutellum medially.

Hemelytra distinctly surpassing tip of abdomen in the male, the cuneus one fifth as long as costal margin of corium (embolium), the so-called embolium (depressed lateral area) occupying only one sixth of total width of corium at level of apex of clavus.

Femora with a few very long, fine, erect hairs. Tibiae and tarsi densely clothed with short hairs.

Female with relatively smaller antennae, less than one third longer than costal margin of corium and cuneus, 79: 70, the first segment shorter than pronotal length at middle, 15: 17; the second segment distinctly shorter than width of pronotum at base, 31:35, scarcely thickened toward the apex; proportion of segments 15: 31: 15: 18. Interocular space relatively wider, one third wider than an eye, 8: 6. Hemelytra not quite reaching apex of abdomen.

Color dark brown, the basal fourth of head and extending briefly beyond at middle of vertex, brownish ochraceous. Mesonotum laterally brownish-ochraceous. Extreme base of corium pale and outer apex of corium just before cuneus white for about the width of embolium. Membrane.uniformly infuscated except for a small pale spot at inner base and darker brown vein. Hairs of upper surface pale. First antenna! segment brown, second paler brownish, fulvous to ochraceous, last two segments more or less infuscated and clothed with long, pale hairs. Rostrum fulvous. Under side brown with somewhat paler base of abdomen. Trochanters, tibiae, and tarsi testaceous. Coxae and femora brownish, the latter paler at apices.

Size: male, length 2.9 mm., width (hemelytra) 1 mm.; female, length 3.25 mm., width (hemelytra) 1.1 mm.

Holotype male, allotype female, and 14 paratypes, Mt. Alifau-, taken in a rotten papaya log, May 26, Usinger; five paratypes, Machanao, four on June 4 and one on June 30, Swezey and Usinger, one under bark and another under a fallen Pandanus fruit; one paratype, Mt. Tenjo, May 3, Usinger; one paratype, Barrigada, July 6, Swezey; two specimens, Yigo, Nov. 13, ex dead papaya leaves, Swezey.

This species does not run out satisfactorily to any of the species in Poppius' key [Acta Soc. Sci. Fennicae 37(4): 29, 1909]. Of the species described since that time, it is perhaps closest to tagalicus Poppius from the Philippines and macgillavryi Poppius from Java. F. tagalictts has a relatively longer prc;motum, as long as the head and nearly as long as broad across hind margin, and macgillavryi has a broader vertex.


Published as part of Usinger, Robert L., 1946, Hemiptera Heteroptera of Guam, pp. 11-103 in Insects of Guam II, Honolulu, Hawaii :Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Bulletin 189 on pages 68-69, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5173934


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Additional details


Event date
1936-05-03 , 1936-05-26 , 1936-06-04 , 1936-06-30 , 1936-07-06 , 1936-11-13
Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
1936-05-03 , 1936-05-26 , 1936-06-04 , 1936-06-30 , 1936-07-06 , 1936-11-13
Taxonomic concept label
Fulvius angustatus Usinger, 1946