Published August 20, 2021 | Version 1.0
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Replication code and data for "ENSO Impacts Child Undernutrition in the Global Tropics"

  • 1. University of San Francisco
  • 2. University of Chicago
  • 3. University of California, San Diego


Replication code and partial data for "ENSO Impacts Child Undernutrition in the Global Tropics" by Jesse K. Anttila-Hughes, Amir S. Jina, and Gordon C. McCord, published in Nature Communications.


Details of the data required to replicate the result in the paper are as follows:

  • Survey data used in this study are available from the Demographics and Health Surveys (DHS) Program at Readers wishing to obtain these data must first apply for access from the DHS Program.
  • ENSO data are available via NOAA at Specifically
    • data to plot figure 1a (which is used by NOAA to define whether a positive or negative ENSO state is occurring are available at
    • data to calculate teleconnections (detrended to remove global warming signatures) are available at
  • University of Delaware gridded weather data are available at
  • "nino34_formatted.csv" is a modified version of the NINO3.4 time series from NOAA that can be imported directly into the teleconnection analysis code
  • "oni_5_formatted.csv" is a modified version of the Oceanic Nino Index file from NOAA that can be used to plot figure 1A
  • "nino34_udel_tempteleconnection_posnegdummy_L2.csv" is an output of the code "teleconnection_analysis_UDEL_NINO34.m" that can be used to plot figure 1c
  • "nino34_udel_prcpteleconnection_posnegdummy_L2.csv" is an output of the code "teleconnection_analysis_UDEL_NINO34.m" that can be used to plot figure 1d
  • "pr_Amon_UDel_historical_halfdeg_1950-2014_DATA.txt" is a formatted version of the University of Delaware gridded precipitation data used in the analysis of teleconnections
  • "tas_Amon_UDel_historical_halfdeg_1950-2014_DATA.txt" is a formatted version of the University of Delaware gridded temperature data used in the analysis of teleconnections


Details of each file are as follows:

  • "" is a Stata code that replicates figures 1-3 and table 1 in the main paper, supplementary figures 1-4, and supplementary tables 1-15. Figures 1c and 1d are excluded. This code will not run without first gaining access to the DHS survey data and compiling across surveys. 
  • "teleconnection_analysis_UDEL_NINO34.m" is a matlab code that produces output to plot figures 1c and 1d, and performs the main teleconnection analysis to define the sample used in the paper. 



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