Published August 15, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Semantic and stylistic types of metaphors in the poetic creativity of Vasyl Stus


  • 1. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature, T.H. Shevchenko NationalUniversity "Chernihіv Colehium» (53, Hetmana Polubotka Street, Chernihiv, 14013, Ukraine)


The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the functioning of different semantic and stylistic types of metaphors in the poetic heritage of Vasyl Stus.

The choice of research methodology is caused by the interdisciplinary nature of the issue and the philosophical essence of Vasyl Stus poetry. In the process of scientific research a number of methods of linguistic and literary research based on the principles of expediency and complementarity were used, which allowed to get the most complete idea of the functioning of semantic and stylistic types of metaphors in the poetic creativity of Vasyl Stus. In particular, structural analysis was used to distinguish metaphors in the texts of lyrical works and clarify their essence, the method of hermeneutics was used to read poetry in the language of modern literary and linguistic sciences, and comparative analysis was used to compare the functioning of semantic and stylistic metaphors in different poems.

The novelty of the study is that for the first time an attempt to characterize the semantic and stylistic types of metaphors in the poetic work of Vasyl Stus was made.

Conclusions. According to the semantic-stylistic classification of metaphors, the peculiarities of the functioning of metaphors-revival, metaphors-objectification, metaphor-synesthesia in the poetic works of Vasyl Stus were characterized. The analysis of the poems showed that the majority are metaphors-revival, among which anthropomorphization prevails, the artist turns to the metaphor-objectification sporadically. Metaphors-synesthesias, created on a psycho-physiological basis, represent in Vasyl Stus's poems a game-synthesis of different meanings of perceptual semantics dactyl, visual, odorative, taste, auditory. The analysis of the poems gives grounds to conclude that Vasyl Stus uses mainly individual-author metaphors, the signs of which are subjectivity, systemicity, uniqueness, one-time use, novelty.


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