Published February 22, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Cacopsylla pyrisuga


Cacopsylla pyrisuga (Foerster)

Psylla pyrisuga Foerster 1848, p 78; Schwarz 1896, p 297; Kuwayama 1908, p 165; Oshanin 1912, p 127; Aulmann 1913, p 24; Sasaki 1954, p 35; Miyatake 1964a, p 27; 1969, p 75; Klimaszewski 1973, p 222; Miyatake 1979, p 217; Kwon 1983, p 42; Konovalova 1988, p 532. Type locality: Germany (Aachen, Boppard).

Cacopsylla pyrisuga: Burckhardt and Hodkinson 1986, p 123; Park 1996, p 272; Lauterer 1999, p 121.

Distribution. The whole Palaearctic from Europe to Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu), Russian Far East (Khabarovsk, Primorsky).

Host plants. Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta (Makino) Nakai (= Pyrus serotina Rehder) (Rosaceae) (Miyatake 1964a), Marus domestica Borkh. (= Malus pumila) (Sasaki 1954) in Japan; also Pyrus spp. in Europe (Burckhardt and Hodkinson 1986; Ossiannilsson 1992).


Published as part of Inoue, Hiromitsu, 2010, The generic affiliation of Japanese species of the subfamily Psyllinae (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) with a revised checklist, pp. 333-360 in Journal of Natural History 44 (5 - 6) on page 352, DOI: 10.1080/00222930903437325,


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Cacopsylla pyrisuga (Foerster, 1848) sec. Inoue, 2010


  • Foerster A. 1848. Ubersicht der Gattungen und Arten in der Familie der Psylloden. Verhandl naturhist Ver preuss Rheinl. 3: 65 - 98.
  • Schwarz EA. 1896. Anomoneura Schwarz, new genus. In: Uhler PR, editor. Summary of the Hemiptera of Japan, presented to the United States National Museum by Professor Mitzukuri. Proc US Natl Mus. 19: 255 - 297.
  • Kuwayama Sh. 1908. Die Psylliden Japans, I. Trans Sapporo Nat Hist Soc. 2: 149 - 189.
  • Oshanin B. 1912. Katalog der palaarktischen Hemipteren. Berlin. p 187.
  • Aulmann G. 1913. Psyllidarum Catalogus. Berlin: W. Junk,. 92 p.
  • Sasaki K. 1954. A list of the known species and their host-plants of the Psyllidae of Japan (Homoptera). Sci Rep Matsuyama Agric Coll. 14: 29 - 39. [Sasaki T. (anonymous in the original literature)] 1915. [On Psylla malirorella Mats.]. Byochugai Zasshi 2: 301 - 304. (in Japanese).
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  • Klimaszewski SM. 1973. The jumping plant lice or psyllids (Homoptera, Psyllodea) of the Palaearctic. An annotated check-list. Ann Zool. 30: 155 - 286.
  • Miyatake Y. 1979. Psyllidae of Niigata Prefecture. In: Baba K, editor. Niigata: Niigata-ken no Konchu. p 211 - 230.
  • Kwon YJ. 1983. Psylloidea of Korea (Homoptera: Sternorrhyncha). Insecta Kor Ser. 2: 1 - 181.
  • Konovalova ZA. 1988. Psyllinea. In: Lehr PA, editor. Opredelitel' nasekomykh Dal'nego Vostoka SSSR v shesti tomakh. Vol 2. Ravnokrylye i poluzhestkokrylye. Leningrad: Nauka. p 495 - 540 (in Russian).
  • Burckhardt D, Hodkinson ID. 1986. A revision of the west Palaearctic pear psyllids (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). Bull Entomol Res. 76: 119 - 132.
  • Park HC. 1996. Taxonomy of Korean psyllids (Homoptera: Psylloidea) 1. A revised checklist. Kor J Entomol. 26: 267 - 278.
  • Lauterer P. 1999. Results of the investigations on Hemiptera in Moravia, made by the Moravian museum (Psylloidea 2). Acta Mus Morav Sci Biol. 84: 71 - 151.
  • Ossiannilsson F. 1992. The Psylloidea (Homoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomol Scand. 26: 1 - 346.