Published June 10, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Taito mayoruna Pinzón & Damron & Pinto-Da-Rocha 2021, spec. nov.

  • 1. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7092 - 2594
  • 2. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3959 - 2205


Taito mayoruna spec. nov.

Figs 3–5

Type material. PERU, Loreto: Holotype male (IBSP-10718, penis observed under SEM dissected by B. Damron 2016), Requena district, Jenaro Herrera province, Centro de Investigaciones Jenaro Herrera, 4°53’43.80”S, 73°38’49.92”W [124 m elevation], C.A. Rheims & R. P. Indicatti leg. 4.4.2013. Paratypes: 3 females (IBSP- 10718), 1 female (MZSP-76423), with same data as for holotype.

Etymology. Noun in apposition, from indigenous Mayorunas that inhabits on the banks of Ucayali river, in proximity to Jenaro Herrera province.

Diagnosis. Dorsal scutum elongated β-type. Smooth ocularium. Color pattern typical easel formed by a compact equuleus. Area III of dorsal scutum with a pair of minute tubercles.Anal operculum with a low and blunt protuberance. A single dorso-apical apophysis on coxa IV. Femur IV retrolaterally armed with four prominent tubercles, the medial pair longer and acuminate (spine-shaped).

Comparisons: Taito mayoruna spec. nov. can be differentiated from T. galaga, T. honda, T. kakera, T. medinae, T. osmari, T. rorschachi, T. unapuntatus, T. litteratus and T. curupira spec. nov. by presenting a typical easel on the dorsal scutum. With regard to remaining species of Taito, which share the same type of color pattern, T. mayoruna spec. nov. can be distinguished from T. insperatus, T. juruensis, T. oblongatus, T. serriperna and T. kawaiikei by presenting a protuberance on anal operculum (which is absent in species previously mentioned); and from T. spaceinvaders by the shape of that protuberance on the anal operculum, that is slightly bifid in T. spaceinvaders, and not bifid in T. mayoruna spec. nov.; by armature of femur IV which is present only retrolaterally in T. mayoruna spec. nov. and by the absence of armature on tibia IV in T. mayoruna spec. nov. Finally, this new species is differentiated from T. adrik by armature of patella IV (unarmed in T. mayoruna spec. nov.) and by armature of femur IV which is formed by five retro-distal spines in T. adrik and only two in T. mayoruna spec. nov.

Description. Measurements: CL: 1.5; CW: 1.5; DSL: 5.5; DSW: 4.4; Fe: 2.8, 6.0, 4.4, 5.3; Pa: 0.7, 1.0, 1.0, 1.4; Ti: 2.0, 5.0, 2.4, 3.7; Mt: 3.1, 6.0, 4.2, 6.2.

Color in ethanol: Body and legs deep reddish orange (36), borders of scutum strong reddish brown (40), trochanter and pedipalps brilliant orange (49), drawing on dorsal scutum pale yellow (89).

Dorsum (Fig. 3A): Outline of scutum β-shaped. Anterior margin with three projections, one medial triangular and two lateral more conspicuous. Low and smooth ocularium. Groove I slightly visible. Scutum areas I-IV unarmed. Body color pattern typical easel (Figs 3A, 4). Posterior margin and free tergites I-III with a row of small acute granules, free tergite zero present. Posterior margin and free tergite I laterally fused. Anal plate with a big globular medial-apical process.

Venter (Fig. 3B): Densely granulated, anterior lower part of Cx I with seven tubercles forming a cluster of tubercles on each side of stomotheca, hard to differentiate from each other, posterior upper part of coxa I with a longitudinal row of tubercles. Cx II with three antero-apical tubercles, forming a diagonal row that ends on coxa I; Cx III with a posterior longitudinal row of small tubercles. Stigmatic area elongated.

Chelicerae: Basal segment with marginal granules on posterior and ectal borders, at mesal-apical section there is one outstanding tubercle. Mobile finger of chelicera with a longitudinal row with six same size teeth and fixed finger with a keel without teeth well marked and does not reach extremes distally and basally.

Pedipalps (Figs 3D–E): Trochanter with a ventral apical projection; femur with a ventral and dorsal row of granules, the dorsal one does not reach the distal portion; patella with a mesal-apical tubercle, tibia with a mesal ditch with a row of small tubercles on each side.

Legs (Figs 3F–H): Long and slender, I-IV similar thickness. Cx I and II projected dorsally forming almost a spine and with a basal retrolateral tubercle. Cx IV with groin warts and a dorso-apical spine. Tr I-III with a retrolateral proximal projection directed backwards. Fe IV curved dorsally in the medial part, with four retrolateral spines, medial spines longer than the width of the femur. Male basitarsus I inflated. TF: 6(3):12(3):7:8-7.

Penis (Figs 5A–D): Truncus basally slender, distally thickened and well projected laterally. VP subsquare. Lateral and distal margins markedly concave. Dorsal process of glans subsquare and bilobed in dorsal view, does not reach the distal part of stylus, smooth texture. Wattle short, exceeds the length of stylus slightly, not visible in lateral view. Glans fused with truncus dorsally, without sutures. Two pairs of MS C; C1 and C2 attached laterally on VP, curved distally and with a triangular lateral apical projection. Two pairs of cylindrical and long MS D; D1 longer and slightly more curved distally than D2. A pair of MS B1 attached ventrally on basal section of callus. VP ventrally covered on corner fields by ms T4, joined at medial portion of VP.

Female: Very similar to male, but without armed femur IV, and basitarsomere I not inflated (see table 1). Distribution. Only known from the type locality (Fig. 8).


Published as part of Pinzón, Conchita, Damron, Brittany & Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo, 2021, Three new species of Cosmetidae C. L. Koch, 1839 from South America (Opiliones Cosmetidae), pp. 203-217 in Zootaxa 4984 (1) on pages 208-212, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4984.1.16,


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Event date
Scientific name authorship
Pinzón & Damron & Pinto-Da-Rocha
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Taito mayoruna Pinzón, Damron & Pinto-Da-Rocha, 2021