Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
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Figure 3 in A new deep-sea benthopelagic chaetognath of the genus Bathyspadella (Chaetognatha) with ecological and molecular phylogenetic remarks


Figure 3. Molecular phylogenetic trees of chaetognaths based on (A) nuclear 18S rRNA and (B) mitochondrial 16S rRNA. Scale is units of expected substitution per site. Support values on each clade are Bayesian posterior probabilities. Accession numbers: Aidanosagitta crassa, D14363; Eukrohnia hamata (E. bathypelagica), DQ351886; Eukrohnia fowleri, DQ351889; Eukrohnia hamata, DQ351887, AB617779; Flaccisagitta enflata, DQ351877, AP011547; Krohnitta pacifica, DQ351879, DQ351891; Mesosagitta decipiens, DQ351881, AP011545; Parasagitta megalophthalma, DQ351878; Parasagitta setose, DQ351900; Parasagitta elegans, Z19551; Paraspadella gotoi, D14362, AY619710; Pseudosagitta lyra, DQ351880; DQ351892; Zonosagitta nagae, AP011545; Pterosagitta draco, DQ351885; Sagitta bipunctata, DQ351894, DQ351890; Serratosagitta tasmanica, DQ351893; Spadella cephaloptera, DQ351884, AY545549; Spadella ledoyeri, DQ351883, DQ351899; Xenokrohnia sorbei, DQ351888; Heterokrohnia davidi, AB617780, AB617781; Heterokrohnia longidentata, AB617782, AB617783; Bathyspadella oxydentata, AB617784, AB617785.


Published as part of Miyamoto, Hiroomi & Nishida, Shuhei, 2011, A new deep-sea benthopelagic chaetognath of the genus Bathyspadella (Chaetognatha) with ecological and molecular phylogenetic remarks, pp. 2785-2794 in Journal of Natural History 45 (45-46) on page 2792, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2011.602806,



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