Published November 27, 2017 | Version v1
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The carcinofauna found in stomach contents of the flying gurnard (Dactylopterus volitans) on the continental shelf of the Campos Basin, Brazil


Segadilha, Juliana L., Nascimento, Priscila S., Mauro, Fábio M., Serejo, Cristiana S., Ramos, Taiara R., Cardoso, Irene A., Martins, Agnaldo S., Costa, Paulo A. S. (2017): The carcinofauna found in stomach contents of the flying gurnard (Dactylopterus volitans) on the continental shelf of the Campos Basin, Brazil. Journal of Natural History 52 (1-2): 1-11, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2017.1401138, URL:



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