Published August 6, 2021 | Version v1
Report Open

Digital Literacies and Digital Inclusion in Contemporary Brazil

  • 1. Educadigital Institute
  • 2. Unicamp
  • 3. University of Bristol


To debate the new context of digital inclusion and emerging digital literacies in contemporary Brazil, the University of Campinas Institute for Language Studies, in partnership with the University of Bristol held an interdisciplinary workshop on 13th, 14th and 15th July 2021. 

With funding from a British Council—FAPESP Researcher Links Workshop Grant, the main aim was to stimulate longer term links between early career and senior researchers from the UK and from Universities in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, as well as to contribute to the personal and professional development of the participants. 

In order to extend the workshop’s reach and further inspire new dialogues and research on the subject, the briefing report is readily available to download in English and Portuguese.

Let the authors know your reason for downloading the report!


The report is available in Portuguese and English and it was funded by Research England's Quality-related Research Strategic Priorities Funding


Briefing Report Digital Literacies Brazil final - EN 03.08.pdf