Published August 3, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Phytomyza origani Hering



Phytomyza origani Hering

(Figs. 240–244, 612–616)

Material examined: Ukraine: Transcarpathia: Uzhhorod, Botanical Garden, 48°37’N, 22°18’E, 4.vii.2019, Yu. Guglya (1♂); Vinnytsa Region: near Olhopil, location Lizvora, 48°07’N, 29°39’E, 10.v.2019, Yu. Guglya (1♂); Kharkiv Region: Kharkiv, City Centre, 50°00’N, 36°14’E,, Yu. Guglya, ex Mentha × piperita (2♂ 1♀); same locality,–2.vii.2020, Yu. Guglya, ex Mentha sp. (1♂ 3♀); near Haidary, The National Nature Park “Homilshanski Lisy”, 49°37’N, 36°19’E,, Yu. Guglya, ex Origanum vulgare (1♀); same locality, 10– 17.viii.2020, Yu. Guglya, ex Origanum vulgare (7♂ 1♀); near Rubizhne, 50°10’N, 36°47’E, 18.v.2019, Yu. Guglya (1♂); same locality, 21–, Yu. Guglya, ex Mentha sp. (2♂).

Hosts. Lamiaceae: Origanum vulgare L. (Spencer 1976). Mentha × piperita L. and Mentha sp. —newly recorded host plants.

Mine. (Fig. 240, 241) The larva forms a dark brown linear-blotch-linear mine wholly adjoining the leaf margin and mainly located at the leaf apex. Pupation takes place within the mine, in the apex of the final linear portion along the leaf margin. The puparium is not externally visible in the mine and is located on the underside of the leaf.

Puparium. (Figs. 242–244) Straw-coloured, translucent, glossy, 1.9 mm long, with shallow but distinct segmentation; surface quite smooth except for wide bands of fine spines. One row of sparse larger yellow spines encircles each segment medially. Posterior spiracles set on short, stout, conical protuberances that are entirely separate; brown, with 13 fine sessile bulbs set in a kidney-like configuration. Ventral portion of last abdominal segment distinctly protruding posteriorly viewed from the side. Anal plate dark yellow, scarcely protruding above the surface of the puparium viewed from the side and directed posteriorly.

Cephalopharyngeal skeleton. (Fig. 612) Right mouthhook larger than the left, each bearing two long, narrow accessory teeth. Intermediate sclerite straight, with waved contours, 1.23× as long as maximum height of left mouthhook. The mouthhook and intermediate sclerite are strongly sclerotized and the pharyngeal sclerite is much less so. The ventral cornu bears a “closed” window located centrally. Indentation index 89.

Female head. (Figs. 613, 614) Black, with gena brown and proboscis orange; orbit not projecting above eye in profile; 2 orb s, 2 fr s; lunule broad, higher than a semicircle, reaching the level of the posterior fr s; pped large, rounded; gena medially 0.15× as high as maximum height of eye.

Female genitalia. (Figs. 615, 616) Capsule of spermatheca relatively small, 0.22× as high as height of anterior part of oviscape. Spermathecae equal in size, brown, spherical, flattened basally, with narrow rim-shaped basal collar. Internal duct invagination cylindrical, widening medially, 0.9× as deep as height of spermatheca. Spermathecal duct weakly sclerotized. Ventral receptacle S-shaped, with weakly sclerotized, narrow tail. Body of receptacle spherical with slightly curved basal connecting tube, strongly sclerotized, 0.87× as wide as width of capsule of spermatheca; with narrow opening located on curved projection, 0.6× as wide as diameter of spherical part of body.

Distribution. British Isles, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and Egypt (Papp & Černý 2019). Ukraine (first record).

Comments. See above in P. obscura.


Published as part of Guglya, Yuliia, 2021, Rearing mining flies (Diptera: Agromyzidae) from host plants as an instrument for associating females with males, with the description of seven new species, pp. 1-158 in Zootaxa 5014 (1) on pages 77-79, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5014.1.1,


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  • Spencer, K. A. (1976) The Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Part 1. Scandinavian Science Press, Klampenborg, 304 pp.
  • Papp, L. & Cerny, M. (2019) Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Hungary. Vol. 4. Phytomyzinae III. Pars Ltd, Nagycovacsi, 708 pp.