Published August 4, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Laguna State Polytechnic University San Pablo City


The general purpose of this study is to determine the Performance Based Activities through Online Teaching Engagement in Support of Student’s Psychomotor Learning in Physical Education . Specifically, it answer the following question: 1.What is the profile of the students in terms of age, gender, grade level and parent’s occupation 2. What is the perception of respondents on the following online presentation of the teacher on P.E? 3. How do the respondents perceived the online activities in P.E? 4. What is the psychomotor performance of the respondents in the following Physical Education online video? 5. Is there any relationship between the respondents psychomotor performance and the performance based activities? The findings are: 1. In terms of age the majority of the respondents are 14 years old; out of 150 respondents in Grade 8 students 51.3 percent are 14 years old which is the age of maturity, emotionally and physically inclined that is capable in modern technology physical activities as well as performance. 2. Out of 150 respondents in grade 8 students 60.7 percent are female while 50 percent of the respondent’s parents are high school graduate. It indicates that most of the student’s parents are not capable of providing their needs in terms of intellectual and technological. The responses in the perception in online presentation of teacher in terms of providing information are moderately agree through computation of the mean. The data that has been presented on table 1 shows the perception of the respondent in online prestation of teacher in terms of providing information has an average mean of 4.1. Data presented in table 2 shows the perceived online presentation of teacher in terms of teaching a skill has a total mean of 4.5 that indicates that the respondents moderately agree that the teacher is teaching his/her skill through online presentation. Table 3 reveals that the perceived online presentation in terms of reporting a progress has a mean of 4.15 and is also interpreted as “Moderately Agree” Table 4 shows the perceived online activities in terms of fitness has an average mean of 4.0 and the perceived online activities in terms of basic skills in volleyball in table 5 has an average mean of 4.0 and is interpreted as “moderately agree”. In terms of the student’s psychomotor performance, table 6 reveals that the performance assessment in P.E in terms of creativity has an average mean of 4.08 and is interpreted as “Moderately agree and in terms the student’s flexibility table 7 shows that the over-all mean is 4.0 and is also interpreted as “Moderately Agree”. Table 9 shows that in terms of execution of skills the perceived performance assessment has an average mean of 4.2 and is also interpreted as “Moderately Agree” . In terms of the correlation between the presentation through online and assessed psychomotor performance table 10 shows that the presentation through online in terms of providing information, teaching a skill, and reporting a progress has significant relationship between the performance assessment in terms of creativity, flexibility, complex thinking and execution of skills. Table 11 shows the correlation between online activities and assessed psychomotor performance, based on the given data the online activities in terms of physical exercise and basic skills in volleyball has significant relationship between performance assessment in terms of creativity, flexibility, complex thinking and execution of skills. The hypothesis states that There is no significant relationship between the respondents psychomotor performance and performance based activities therefore, based on the given data the null hypothesis was not sustained.


85. Performance-Based Activities Through Online Teaching Engagement in Support of Student’s Psychomotor Learning in Physical Education.pdf