Biodiversity on public lands: how citizen science can help
- 1. University of Kansas, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- 2. U.S. Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center
- 3. Antioch University New England, Dept. of Environmental Studies
- 4. Indiana University Bloomington, O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs
- 5. Colorado School of Mines, Office of Graduate Studies
- 6. Florida Museum, University of Florida
- 7. Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, National Park Service
- 8. U.S. Geological Survey, Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center
These are the code and data files for "Biodiversity on public lands: how citizen science can help". Included in this are the following:
1. taxataxi_opt_multiple_reports.R which is code for running multiple iNaturalist Bioblitz datasets with built in re-setting mechanisms for the various reports run.
2. iNat_NPS_comparison_code.R which is code for running a single iNaturalist Bioblitz dataset. This is identical to (1) except for the re-setting mechanisms and some re-organization of parts of the code.
3. synonym_links & taxonomic_units which are used in conjunction with (1) & (2) for the synonym identification.
4. All_iNat.csv is all of the iNaturalist entries used in the initial study named above.
5. all_parks.csv contains all of the filtered data from the park units through (1) for the initial study named above.
6. invasives_for_all_table1.R is code used in the initial study to identify introduced species.
7. migration.R is code used in the initial study to identify previously unrecorded species that were recorded less than 50 times in BISON in the USA state that the park unit is located in.
8. table3_all_parks.csv is the data used in the migration.R code for identifying these species.
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