Published July 31, 2021 | Version 3.0
Project deliverable Open

D8.3 - Dissemination, Communication & Stakeholders Engagement Plan


The EU-funded TheFSM project is developing an industrial data platform in order to give a digital boost to the way food certification takes place in Europe, addressing the demand of the global food industry, food growers, manufacturers/processors, import/exporters, distributors, retailers, and packagers, for certified to food safety standards. TheFSM is a project designed to strengthen engagement with all possible stakeholders and build effective collaboration and synergies in the domain of food safety and food fraud.

This document constitutes deliverable 8.3, TheFSM Dissemination, Communication & Stakeholder Engagement Plan, in the framework of Work Package 8 (WP8). The aim of this deliverable is to outline and consolidate the communication and dissemination strategy of TheFSM activities carried out during its lifetime. The deliverable is also focused on identifying the most efficient means to interact with the partners and the identified target groups and to disseminate and communicate the results, making them easy to be obtained by the stakeholders. To this end, the current plan sets out:

  • the strategy that will be followed by the consortium to communicate the project’s objectives;
  • the dissemination tools and the communication materials that will be exploited effectively and efficiently by TheFSM partners, spreading the project’s activities, achievements and tangible results, such as the project’s website and social media as well as a set of public activities and events;
  • the need to implement efforts fostering the true stakeholder engagement of actors and stakeholders in the whole agri-food value chain.

Additionally, the document analyzes and encompasses extensively the responsibilities of each partner in tandem with the key performance indicators that will be used to assess the effectiveness of each performed action.

Considering the evolving characteristics of the project, this document will serve as a “living document” throughout the project, guiding the communication and dissemination efforts carried out by the consortium, while it will be regularly reviewed and updated in order to ensure that its objectives are met. Hence, this is already the third version of the deliverable, presenting the updated dissemination, communication and stakeholders engagement plan.


D8.3 Dissemination, Communication & Stakeholders Engagement Plan_V3.0_M18.pdf

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European Commission
TheFSM – The Food Safety Market: an SME-powered industrial data platform to boost the competitiveness of European food certification 871703