Published October 2, 2020 | Version 1.0
Other Open

Platform architecture design, interconnectivity aspects and standards to use, fully aligned with the HCA guidelines



HUTER project is aimed to create the reference cellular map of the human uterus, being involved in the international Human Cell Atlas initiative. In the HUTER project context, it is planned the development of an advanced platform to provide not only hosting and processing data features of cell sequencing and advanced microscopes data but also functionalities to satisfy the specific requirements of HUTER researchers in terms of collaborative work and advanced tools. This document develops the first version of the HUTER platform architecture design, aligned with the HCA guidelines as well as with the requirements of the HUTER project researchers.
The first version of platform design considered not only HCA-DCP design guidelines but also HUTER specific requirements. Some of these general requirements are to facilitate collaborative work between partners, use state-of-art open technologies and foster the use of standards to represent and manage information generated in the project. All requirements must be implemented under a proper technological framework that assures the protection, safety and confidentiality of information.
In base of these requirements it has been proposed 6 general components to construct the architecture system with their interactions: Data Ingest, Storage, Processing, Data Access, Security, management and support layer and Dissemination & Communication components. These functional modules are aligned to HCA-DCP platform design, but they address functionalities in a more direct way to deliver a functional HUTER Platform quickly. Data ingest provides the very first communication tools with the HUTER Platform, checking data quality and integrity as well as initiating information track. Next module is related to storage that ensures data indexation and availability through a service layer that relies on AWS infrastructure. In regards of Data Access, it is a set of tools that allow data querying and downloading for authorized users. This authorization functionality is provided by the Security, Management and Support layer that also includes services and tools to endorse system availability, capacity and monitoring. Finally, an independent module to help HUTER users in Communication and Dissemination tasks is composed of an online workspace and publishing tools like a website and social media accounts.
According to this functional division, a subsystem design of each general component was further defined including justifications of each decision taken with the aim of satisfying the HUTER requirements in the best manner. We argue not only the use of selected standards and technologies but also the deployment infrastructure regarding data volumetry, data nature (image, omics and other data formats are expected) and collaborators laboratory workflows. Furthermore, some first approaches related to the integration with external applications were included such as an early definition of APIs functionalities. However, this information as well as the beta access tools are object of later deliverables.



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European Commission