Published July 27, 2021 | Version v1
Poster Open

The Short-Period Planetary Population of A Type Stars with TESS

  • 1. Las Cumbres Observatory


  • 1. Planetary Science Institute


TESS' all-sky survey enables studies of the demographics of exoplanets around stars too rare to have been observed in significant numbers by previous missions, or which were simply ignored by earlier observations. One such class is main sequence A stars, which are relatively rare and were mostly avoided by Kepler. Measuring the occurrence rate of short-period planets around these stars will inform our knowledge of planet formation and migration. Protoplanetary disks around A stars are more massive, shorter-lived, and have larger dust sublimation radii than those around FGKM stars. By comparing the short-period planetary population of A-type stars to those around FGKM stars, we can better understand the effects of these protoplanetary disk properties upon planet formation and migration. I will present initial results on the planetary occurrence rate for A stars from TESS, highlighting the particular challenges of confirming or validating these planets. Finally, I will discuss the consequences of these results for planet formation theory.


This work is supported in part by NASA grant 80NSSC19K1730 through the TESS Guest Observer Cycle 2 Program.


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  • Zhou, George, et al. (2019). Astronomical Journal, 158, 141
  • Stassun, Keivan, et al. (2019). Astronomical Journal, 158, 138
  • Mulders, Gijs, et al. (2015). Astrophysical Journal, 798, 112
  • Chiang, Eugene, & Laughlin, Gregory (2013). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 431, 3444