Photometric and spectroscopic study of the mass accretion in the T Tauri system VW Cha
- 1. Konkoly Observatory; Eötvös Loránd University
- 2. Konkoly Observatory
- 3. Konkoly Observatory, Eötvös Loránd University, Max Planck Institut for Astronomy
- 4. Konkoly Observatory, Eötvös Loránd University
Young stellar objects are surrounded by a circumstellar disk, from which material is falling onto the stellar surface. According to the magnetospheric accretion model, the stellar magnetic field truncates the disk at the distance of a few stellar radii and channels the disk material onto the star. Although usually described with simple and static models, this accretion process is inherently time variable, therefore our aim is to characterize the accretion process in time and study the accretion diagnostic parameters. Here, we present a complex study of VW Cha, a low-mass young star. We combined the TESS observations with contemporaneous ground-based IJHK-band photometry, and multi-epoch optical spectroscopic observations obtained by the VLT/ESPRESSO and the 2.2m/FEROS spectrographs. Besides uncovering the periodic light variations that can be attributed to the stellar rotation, the uninterrupted TESS observations allow us to examine the shorter timescale fluctuations probably due to accretion variability. Using the additional observations, we identify accretion tracers and study where they form, measure the accretion rate, and determine the distribution and the kinematics of the accreting material.
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Additional details
- Manara, C. F. et al (2016). X-Shooter study of accretion in Chamaeleon I
- Brandeker, Alexis et al. (2001). Discovery of a New Companion and Evidence of a Circumprimary Disk: Adaptive Optics Imaging of the Young Multiple System VW Chamaeleon
- Carpenter, John M. et al. (2001). Near-Infrared Photometric Variability of Stars toward the Orion A Molecular Cloud