Published July 23, 2021 | Version v1
Poster Open

Validation of TESS candidates orbiting Solar-type stars - Poster

  • 1. Università degli studi di Padova


Contact person:

  • 1. Planetary Science Institute


Seeing-limited on-off photometry is an efficient follow-up technique which permits to identify false positives among transiting planetary candidates produced by space missions like TESS. Here we present our own on-going follow-up program of TESS candidates orbiting G-type stars. Using Gaia photometry and astrometry we built an absolute color-magnitude diagram and isolated G-type candidates' hosts. Then we performed a probabilistic validation of each candidate using the VESPA software and produced a prioritized list of objects having the highest probability of being genuine transiting planets. By following this procedure we eliminated the majority of false positive candidates. For the remaining set, we are performing on-off photometry to further cull the list of candidates and prepare for the subsequent radial velocity follow-up.


Validation Mantovan.png

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