The TRAPPIST and SPECULOOS contribution to TFOP Sub-Group 1
TFOP Sub-Group 1 is dedicated to the confirmation/rejection of TESS candidates with seeing-limited ground-based photometry. We present the contribution of the TRAPPIST and SPECULOOS networks of robotic telescopes to this effort. The two TRAPPIST 60cm telescopes and the six SPECULOOS 1m telescopes have pixel scales ~0.65 arcsec and ~0.35 arcsec, respectively. These telescopes can perform seeing-limited sub-mmag photometry for I-magitude ranging from 8.5 to 14 (for TRAPPIST) and from 9.5 to 15 (for SPECULOOS). Up to 50% of the TRAPPIST telescope time is dedicated to the TESS follow-up, and it has enabled so far the observation of more than 200 TESS candidates. Similarly, up to 20% of SPECULOOS observing time is dedicated to the TESS follow-up, with more than 35 candidates observed to this day. Finally, we present our upcoming validation papers led by TRAPPIST or SPECULOOS team members.
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- Jehin E. et al 2011, "TRAPPIST: TRAnsitingPlanetsand PlanetesImalsSmall Telescope", The Messenger, 145, 2-6.
- Delrez L. et al., 2018 «SPECULOOS: a network of robotic telescopes to hunt for terrestrial planets around the nearest ultracool dwarfs»
- Sebastian D. et al., 2020 «SPECULOOS –Ultracool DwarfvTransit Survey: Target List and Strategy», A&A, 645.
- Burdanov A. et al., 2018 «SPECULOOS exoplanet search and its prototype on TRAPPIST», Handbookof Exoplanets.
- Kempton E. M.-R. et al., 2018 «A framework prioritizing the TESS Planetary Candidates Most Amenable to Atmospheric Characterization», PASP, 130
- Gillon M. et al. 2011, TRAPPIST: a robotic telescope dedicated to the study of planetary systems, EPJ Web of Conference, 11
- Gillon M. 2018, Searching for red worlds, Nature Astronomy, 2, 344