Published July 23, 2021
| Version v1
Discriminating between Conflicting Measurements of Exoplanet Transit Parameters through Joint Analysis of Observations by TESS and CHEOPS
Analyses of TESS data of certain exoplanets reveals differences in transit depths and timing compared to published values, typically obtained from discontinuous light curves. We specifically examine the cases of KELT-19Ab, WASP-156b, WASP-121b, and WASP-161b. We model and remove the systematic effects in the light curves, and identify the physical origin of these differences. The transit depth differences could potentially be due to atmospheric features. The timing conflict of WASP-161b reveals a transit mid-point discrepancy of about 6 minutes. This could be connected to tidal dissipation processes which approved CHEOPS observations later this year will reveal.
Additional details
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