Published March 9, 2018 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D2.4 First progress report on science - stakeholder Interaction


EU-PolarNet has a clear mandate to co-design an integrated European Polar Research Programme
together with different stakeholders from the beginning of the creation process. By that, it shall
guarantee that the research programme will generate tangible benefits for society. Work Package 4 of
the project (Interaction with Stakeholders and end-users) has identified stakeholders (deliverable 4.5)
related to the polar regions and the generated stakeholder map has been used to reinforce the
interactions and promote stakeholder participation in different surveys and events. EU-PolarNet has
been actively searching for interaction with stakeholders and various possibilities of engagement have
been used, promoting participation at established events, such as the Arctic Circle Assembly; SCAR
Conferences and Arctic Frontiers, and organizing several stand-alone events.


D2_4 First progress report on science - stakeholder interaction.pdf

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EU-PolarNet – Connecting Science with Society 652641
European Commission