Published June 17, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Phorocera polleniella Rondani 1859


Phorocera polleniella Rondani, 1859

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1859b: 162 (key), 163 (description).

TYPE LOCALITY: “ in agri parmensis planitie et collibus … in Pedemontio [Parmese plains and hills … Piedmont (Italy)]”.

TYPE MATERIAL: 4 ♂♂, syntypes (one missing mid- and right hind-legs; one missing left fore-leg; one missing right fore-, both mid-, and right hind-legs) (MZUF: Box 12): Phorocera Mgn / polleniella Rnd., ♂ / 593; 4 ♀♀, syntypes (one missing right mid-leg; one missing mid-legs; one missing left mid-leg; one missing right fore-, right mid- and both hind-legs) (MZUF: Box 12): Phorocera Mgn / polleniella Rnd., ♀ / 593; 1 ♂, syntype (missing mid-legs), 1 ♀, syntype (missing head and right fore-leg, thorax partially eaten by dermestids) (MZUF: Box D): Phorocera polleniella R., 241, ♂ ♀, Parma / 393 241; 1 ♀, syntype (MRSN, Box 1756): Parma / Phorocera polleniella 41, Rndn. / Museo di Zoologia della Università Torino, Italia; 1 ♂, syntype (missing left mid-leg) (MSNC: Box DIPTERA Ex collezione Rondani - I): Phorocera polleniella R. 57 ♂ ♀ Parma / Coll. Rondani, scatola n° 1, posiz. E-12 / Museo di Storia Naturale Università di Pisa, Calci (PI) ex collezione Rondani; 1 ♀, syntype (missing right fore-, left mid- and hind-legs) (MSNC: Box DIPTERA Ex collezione Rondani - I): Phorocera polleniella R. ♀ Parm. / Coll. Rondani, scatola n° 1, posiz. E-13 / Museo di Storia Naturale Università di Pisa, Calci (PI) ex collezione Rondani; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, syntypes (MSNPV: Box 96): Phorocera polleniella R., 120, ♂ ♀, Parma; 1 ♂, syntype (MZUB: Box 325): 22 78 / Phorocera polleniella Rond., ex a. parmensi / polleniella Rndn., ♂ ♀, Rndn., Parma; 1 ♂, syntype (missing left mid-leg), 1 ♀, syntype (OUMNH General Collection: Box 167.2): syntype / Type / P. polleniella Ex. Coll. Big. / Verrall-Collin Palaearctic coll. Ox. Uni. Mus. Nat. Hist. (OUMNH) OUMNH –1967–018 / Tachinidae Clemelis pullata (Meigen, 1824), Palaearctic.

CURRENT STATUS: junior synonym of Clemelis pullata (Meigen, 1824) (Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 232).

REMARKS: Rondani (1859b: 163) described both sexes of Phorocera polleniella without specifying the exact number of specimens and not giving a range of lengths, from material that he had collected and that he had also received from L. Bellardi. We found 18 syntypes in this study.


Published as part of Sforzi, Alessandra & Sommaggio, Daniele, 2021, Catalog of the Diptera types described by Camillo Rondani, pp. 1-438 in Zootaxa 4989 (1) on page 346, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4989.1.1,


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Phorocera polleniella Rondani, 1859 sec. Sforzi & Sommaggio, 2021


  • Meigen, J. W. (1824) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweiflugeligen Insekten. Vierter Theil. Schulz- Wundermann, Hamm, xii + 428 pp.
  • Herting, B. & Dely-Draskovits, A. (1993) Family Tachinidae. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 13. Anthomyiidae - Tachinidae. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, pp. 118 - 458.
  • Rondani, C. (1859 b) Dipterologiae italicae prodromus. Vol: III. Species italicae ordinis dipterorum in genera characteribus definita, ordinatim collectae, methodo analitica distinctae, et novis vel minus cognitis descriptis. Pars secunda: Muscidae, Siphoninae et (partim) Tachininae. A. Stocchi, Parmae [= Parma], 243 + [1] p., 1 pl.