Published June 17, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Sarcophaga consobrina Rondani 1861


Sarcophaga consobrina Rondani, 1861

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1861g: 383 (key), 391 (description).

TYPE LOCALITY: “ In Italia boreali [boreal (= northern) Italy]”.

TYPE MATERIAL: 1 ♂, lectotype (terminalia dissected and glued to a cardboard stage pinned below specimen) (MZUF: Box 19): Sarcophaga Mgn / consobrina Bell. / 1035 / S. haemorrhoidalis Meig. ♂ sec. Typ. det. Böttcher / Lectotypus ♂ Sarcophaga consobrina Rnd., T. Pape det., 1986 / Bercaea cruentata (Rnd.), T. Pape det., 1986.

PARALECTOTYPE EXAMINED: 1 ♂ (very moldy) (MZUF: Box 19): Sarcophaga Mgn / cruentata Rnd. / 1035 / S. arcipes ♂ Pand., Böttcher sec. Type Pand. / Paralectotypus.

PARALECTOTYPE NOT EXAMINED: 1 ♂ (OUMNH Verrall-Collin Coll.: Box 7): Type / S. consobrina Ex. Coll. Big. / Sarcophaga consobrina ♂ Italia, Rond. / consobrina Rd / Sarcophaga Mg.

CURRENT STATUS: junior synonym of Bercaea cruentata (Meigen, 1826) (Verves 1986: 160); junior synonym of Sarcophaga cruentata Meigen, 1826 (Pape 1988: 7); junior synonym of Sarcophaga (Bercaea) africa (Wiedemann, 1824) (Pape 1996: 302).

REMARKS: Rondani (1861g: 391) described Sarcophaga consobrina from just the male sex without specifying the exact number of specimens, but giving a single measurement of length, despite there being two specimens in the type series found in this study, from material received from L. Bellardi, to whom he attributed the species name. In his redescription of Sarcophaga consobrina Rondani (1862d: 122) specified the type locality: “ in Pedemontio [in Piedmont]”. Pape (1988: 6) designated a lectotype (♂) and paralectotype (♂) but did not mention an additional OUMNH male (this additional specimen is a paralectotype).


Published as part of Sforzi, Alessandra & Sommaggio, Daniele, 2021, Catalog of the Diptera types described by Camillo Rondani, pp. 1-438 in Zootaxa 4989 (1) on page 200, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4989.1.1,


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Sarcophaga consobrina Rondani, 1861 sec. Sforzi & Sommaggio, 2021


  • Meigen, J. W. (1826) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweiflugeligen Insekten. Funfter Theil. Schulz- Wundermann, Hamm, xii + 412 pp.
  • Verves, Y. G. (1986) Family Sarcophagidae. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 12. Calliphoridae - Sarcophagidae. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam & Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, pp. 57 - 193.
  • Pape, T. (1988) A revision of the Palaearctic Sarcophagidae (Diptera) described by C. Rondani. Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde, Series A (Biology), 416, 1 - 22.
  • Wiedemann, C. R. W. (1824) Munus rectoris in Academia Christiana Albertina aditurus Analecta entomologica ex Museo Regio Havniensi maxime congesta profert iconibusque illustrat. Regio typographeo scholarum, Kiliae [= Kiel], 60 pp. + 1 pl. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 77322
  • Pape, T. (1996) Catalogue of the Sarcophagidae of the world (Insecta: Diptera). Memoirs on Entomology, International, 8, 1 - 558.
  • Rondani, C. (1861 g) Sarcophagae italicae observatae et distinctae. Commentarium XVIII pro dipterologia italica. Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali, 3, 374 - 393.
  • Rondani, C. (1862 d) Dipterologiae italicae prodromus. Vol. V. Species italicae ordinis dipterorum in genera characteribus definita, ordinatim collectae, methodo analitica distinctae, et novis vel minus cognitis descriptis. Pars Quarta: Muscidae. Phasiinae - Dexinae - Muscinae - Stomoxidinae. P. Grazioli, Parmae [= Parma], 239 pp.