Published September 22, 2017 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D1.4 - Minutes of workshop with international partners & stakeholders, at IASC/SCAR Meeting


The present Deliverable D1.4 is focusing on possible interactions between EU-PolarNet and international organizations formally in charge of the logistics and maintenance of Polar research infrastructures in Arctic and Antarctic.
It is based on a formal meeting organized in Brno (Czeck Republic) at the initiative of EU-PolarNet between EU-PolarNet, COMNAP (Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs), FARO (Forum of Arctic Research Operators) and the EU funded infrastructure project INTERACT, which are three key international actors in supporting Antarctic and Arctic Research.


D1_4 Minutes of a workshop with international partners & stakeholders, at an Arctic_Antarctic Meeting.pdf

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EU-PolarNet – Connecting Science with Society 652641
European Commission