Published May 29, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Vertebroscalpellum brevecarinatum


Vertebroscalpellum brevecarinatum (Hoek, 1883)

Fig. 35

Scalpellum brevecarinatum Hoek, 1883: 82, pl. III, fig. 22; Zevina, 1964: 253.

Arcoscalpellum brevecarinatum: Newman & Ross, 1971: 53, fig. 21.

? Arcoscalpellum brevicarinatum (sic!): Zevina, 1981a: 352–353, fig. 272.

Material examined. Four syntypes NHM UK 2013.1129-1132. Shells only are left of two syntypes after the appendages were removed by Hoek for study. Stn 146 (1 specimen): Indian Ocean, Antarctic and Southern (Northeast of Prince Edward Island); 2514 m. Stn 147 (3 specimens): Indian Ocean, Antarctic and Southern (west of Crozet Islands); 2925 m. All the specimens are in one jar.

Diagnosis. Only Hoek’s (1883) diagnosis is available, which includes descriptions of the appendages.

Distribution. Indian Ocean, Antarctic and Southern. Known depth range 2514 to 4540 m.

Habitat. On gorgonian corals.

Remarks. This species was separated by Newman & Ross (1998) from Arcoscalpellum into a new subgenus Vertebroscalpellum. They also tentatively considered the specimens described by Zevina (1964, 1981a) to be a different species and, therefore, the only known description of V. brevecarinatum is the original description by Hoek (1883).


Published as part of Shalaeva, Kate & Boxshall, Geoff, 2014, An illustrated catalogue of the scalpellid barnacles (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Scalpellidae) collected during the HMS " Challenger " expedition and deposited in the Natural History Museum, London, pp. 1-63 in Zootaxa 3804 (1) on page 51, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3804.1.1,


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  • Hoek, P. P. C. (1883) Report on the Cirripedia collected by H. M. S. " Challenger " during the years 1873 - 1876. Systematic part. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage H. M. S. " Challenger ", during the years 1873 - 7, Zoology, part 25 (8), 1 - 169.
  • Newman, W. A. & Ross A. (1971) Antarctic Cirripedia. Antarctic Research Series, 14. American Geophysical Union, Washington, 257 pp.
  • Zevina, G. B. (1981 a) Cirriped crustaceans of the suborder Lepadomorpha (Cirripedia, Thoracica) of the World Ocean. Part 1. Family Scalpellidae. Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR, Leningrad, 398 pp. [in Russian]
  • Newman, W. A. & Ross, A. (1998) Peduncular armament in the Scalpellomorpha (Cirripedia) and a new abyssal species from the East Pacific rise. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 18 (3), 572 - 580. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1163 / 193724098 x 00395