Published April 15, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Aesthetic rehabilitation of a partially amputated finger - A case report

  • 1. Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Prosthodontics KSD Jain Dental College and Hospital.
  • 2. Reader, Dept. of Prosthodontics KSD Jain Dental College and Hospital


Abstract –

Partial or complete loss of a digit has an emotional, psychological, functional and financial burden on the patient. High expectations of the patient to receive an aesthetic, life -like prosthesis makes it a challenging task. This clinical report portrays a simple method of fabricating a silicone prosthesis for a partially amputated digit. Retention is achieved by scoring the master cast which creates a vacuum to snuggly fit the silicone over the skin tissues.


Aesthetic rehabilitation of a partially amputated finger - A case report.pdf