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Published July 19, 2021 | Version 0.6.0
Software Open

XMHW: Xarray based code to identify Marine HeatWave events and their characteristics

  • 1. University of Tasmania


XMHW identifies marine heatwaves from a timeseries of sea surface temperature data and calculates statistics associated to the detected heatwaves. This python module is based on the marineHeatWaves code by Eric Olivier.

Main difference with the original code are:

  • We have two separate functions: one to calculate the climatologies and one to detect the heatwaves. 
  • By using xarray sst on a multidimensional grid can be passed as argument
  • We added event severity to the MHW characteristics that are calculated
  • Intermediate results of the detect function can be also returned
  • Results are returned as xarray datasets, with the original spatial dimensions but 'event' instead of  'time' . Each event representing the starting day of an event.

Currently available functions:

  • threshold() - to calculate the percentile and mean climatologies
  • detect() - to detect the MHW events and their main characteristics
  • block_average() - to calculate statistics on blocks of events, still missing "total mhw days per year"

This code uses python3 and the following modules: xarray, bumpy, pandas, dask.

To install clone the repository from GitHub, and from the main directory

python install --user

This is the first release so any feedback is appreciated, please create an issue on GitHub.


For questions, comments and if you find a bug please open an issue on Author email available on orchid account.


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ARC Centres of Excellence - Grant ID: CE170100023 CE170100023
Australian Research Council