Published June 30, 2004 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Trigonostomum venenosum



(FIGS 1, 6A)

Alternative species name: trigonostomum-venenosum

Orcus venenosus Uljanin, 1870: 19, t. 2, fig. 5.

Hyporhynchus venenosus Graff, 1875: 419; 1882: 341; Pereyaslawzewa, 1893: 265, 266, t. 4, fig. 28; Attems, 1897: 227, t. 2, figs 24, 25.

Hyporcus venenosus Graff, 1905: 110, t. 3, figs 9–11; Southern, 1912: 3, 8–9; Graff, 1913: 299–301, fig. 260; Southern, 1915: 34; Meixner, 1924b: 91, 92; Southern, 1936: 45, 57; Meixner, 1926: 577.

Trigonostomum venenosum Meixner, 1924b: 89, 92, 94, 96, 99, 102; 1925: 256; Steinböck, 1931: 12, 23; 1938: 12–13, 22; Ax, 1959: 98, figs 78, 79; Mack-Fira & Cristea-Nastasesco, 1971: 225, 227, figs 5, 6; Mack-Fira, 1974: 249, 265, 273, 281–282, 284.

Known distribution: Iceland (Steinböck, 1938), Ireland (Southern, 1912, 1936), Faeroe Islands (Steinböck, 1931), North Sea (Attems, 1897; Meixner, 1924b, 1925), Mediterranean Sea (Graff, 1882; Meixner, 1926), Adriatic Sea (Meixner, 1926), Black Sea (Uljanin, 1870; Pereyaslawzewa, 1893; Graff, 1905; Ax, 1959; Mack-Fira & Cristea-Nastasesco, 1971; Mack-Fira, 1974).

New localities: Sweden, Gullmarsfjord, Gåsövik, among algae, August 1945, Westblad (coll. SMNH). Norway, Bergen, Bay south of Tyssöy, stones, gravel, algae and fine shell-sand, 5–8 m depth, 29 July 1968, Karling (coll. SMNH). Norway, Bergen, sound between Leröy and Buröy; sand and mud, 5 m depth; 1 August 1968, Karling (coll. SMNH). France, Corsica, Port de la station Stareso, on algae, 6– 4 m deep, 9 May 1982 and 12 March 1983, Martens; Bay of Calvi, 11 April 1984 and 26 March 1985. Italy, Sardinia, Porticello, about 0.2–1.5 m deep, on Vaucheria -like algae on rocks, 14 August 1994. France, Banyuls, Ile Gros, on green algae near the jetty behind the station, 22–23 June 2000. Kerguelen, Port Couvreux, bay at the right, green algae, 25 November 1992.

Material examined: Several specimens studied alive. Neotype (SMNH, no. 47499). Whole mounts from Sardinia (2), Corsica (4), Banyuls (3), Kerguelen (6), Norway (SMNH, nos. 47496–8) and Romania (SMNH, no. 47500–1). Two serially sectioned specimens (SMNH, nos. 47493–4) from Sweden.

Diagnosis: Trigonostomum species with copulatory organ 74–130 Mm long. Stylet 117–194 Mm long, proximally bent over 270∞. Mantle with one pointed plate, surrounds only the distal part of the stylet. Bursal appendage ± 54 Mm long, with a proximal ring and two distal tubes.

Remarks and additional data: The length of the stylet shows large variation between the populations of Banyuls (117–124 Mm; n = 2), Sardinia (148– 156 Mm; n = 2), Corsica (165–179 Mm; n = 2) and Kerguelen (157–194 Mm; n = 3). The stylet resembles that of some species of Messoplana (e.g. M. elegans Luther, 1948; M. helgolandica Ax, 1971; M. pacifica Karling, 1986; M. rugata Ehlers, 1974).


Published as part of Willems, Wim R., Artois, Tom J., Vermin, Wouter A. & Schockaert, Ernest R., 2004, Revision of Trigonostomum Schmidt, 1852 (Platyhelminthes, Typhloplanoida, Trigonostomidae) with the description of seven new species, pp. 271-296 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 141 (2) on page 292, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2004.00124.x,


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Collection code
Event date
1968-07-29 , 1968-08-01 , 1992-11-25 , 1994-08-14
Taxon rank
Type status
Verbatim event date
1968-07-29 , 1968-08-01 , 1992-11-25/2000-06-23 , 1994-08-14


  • Uljanin W. 1870. Die Turbellarien der Bucht von Sebastopol. Berichte des Vereins der Freunde der Naturwissenschaften zu Moskau 4: 1 - 96. Taf. I - VII. (In Russian.)
  • von Graff L. 1875. Neue Mittheilungen uber Turbellarien. Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 25: 407 - 425.
  • von Graff L. 1882. Monographie der Turbellarien. I, Rhabdocoelida. Leipzig.
  • Pereyaslawzewa S. 1893. Monographie des Turbellaries de la Mer Noire. Memoires de la Societe des Naturalistes de la Nouvelle-Russie 17: 1 - 303. (In Russian.)
  • Attems C. 1897. Beitrage zur Meeresfauna von Helgoland, VI. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der rhabdocoelen Turbellarien Helgolands. Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, Neue Folge 2: 219 - 232, Tf. II.
  • von Graff L. 1905. Marine Turbellarien Orotavas und der Kusten Europas. II. Rhabdocoela. Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 83: 68 - 148, Taf. II - VI.
  • Southern R. 1912. Platyhelmia. Clare Island Survey, Part 56. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 31: 1 -, 18.
  • von Graff L. 1913. Das Tierreich 35. Turbellaria II. Rhabdocoelida. Berlin.
  • Southern R. 1915. Turbellaria. In: Results of a biological survey of Blacksod Bay, Co. Mayo. Fisheries, Ireland, Scientific Investigations, 1914, III.
  • Meixner J. 1924 b. Studien zu einer Monographie der Kalyptorhynchia und zum System der Turbellaria-Rhabdocoela. Zoologischer Anzeiger 60: 89 - 105, 113 - 125.
  • Southern R. 1936. Turbellaria of Ireland. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 43 B: 43 - 72.
  • Meixner J. 1926. Beitrag zur Morphologie und zum System der Turbellaria-Rhabdocoela. II. Uber Typhlorhynchus nanus Laidlaw und die parasitischen Rhabdocoelen nebst nachtragen zu den Calyptorhynchia. Zeitschrift fur Morphologie und Okologie der Tiere 5: 577 - 624.
  • Steinbock O. 1931. Marine Turbellaria. Zoology of the Faroes 8: 1 - 26.
  • Steinbock O. 1938. Marine Turbellaria. Zoology of Iceland 2: 1 - 26.
  • Ax P. 1959. Zur Systematik, Okologie und Tiergeographie der Turbellarienfauna in den ponto-kaspischen Brackwassermeeren. Zoologische Jahrbucher (Abteilung fur Systematik, Okologie und Geographie der Tiere) 87: 43 -, 184.
  • Mack-Fira V, Cristea-Nastasesco MC. 1971. Sur la faune littorale des Turbellaries, cote roumaine de la mer Noire. Rapport de la Commission pour la Mer Mediterranee 20: 225 - 228.
  • Mack-Fira V. 1974. The Turbellarian fauna of the Romanian littoral waters of the Black Sea and its annexes. In: Riser NW, Morse MP, eds. Biology of the Turbellaria. Libbie H. Hyman Memorial Volume. New York: McGraw-Hill, 248 - 290.
  • Meixner J. 1925. Beitrag zur Morphologie und zum System der Turbellaria-Rhabdocoela. I. Die Kalyptorhynchia. Zeitschrift fur Morphologie und Okologie der Tiere 3: 255 - 343, Taf. II - III.
  • Luther A. 1948. Untersuchungen an Rhabdocoelen Turbellarien. VII. Uber einige marine Dalyellioida. VIII. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Typhloplanoida. Acta Zoologica Fennica 55: 3 - 122.
  • Ax P. 1971. Zur Systematik und Phylogenie der Trigonostominae (Turbellaria, Neorhabdocoela). Mikrofauna des Meeresbodens 4: 141 - 220.
  • Karling TG. 1986. Free-living marine Rhabdocoela (Platyhelminthes) from the N. American Pacific coast. With remarks on species from other areas. Zoologica Scripta 15: 201 - 219.
  • Ehlers U, Ax P. 1974. Interstitielle Fauna von Galapagos VIII. Trigonostominae (Turbellaria, Typhloplanoida). Mikrofauna des Meeresbodens 30: 641 - 671.