Published July 8, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Excentroconchidae Hollande & Enjumet, 1960 sensu Dumitrica 2014


Family EXCENTROCONCHIDAE Hollande & Enjumet, 1960 sensu Dumitrica (2014a)

Excentroconchidae Hollande & Enjumet, 1960: 68, 86. — Dumitrica 1979: 18; 1984: 94; 2001: 193-194 (sensu emend.); 2014a: 59-60 [in Entactinaria]. — Petrushevskaya 1979: 105. — Kozur & Mostler 1979: 33. — Anderson 1983: 50. — Cachon & Cachon 1985: 288 [in the Order Periaxoplastida].

TYPE GENUS. — Excentroconcha Mast, 1910: 64 [type species by subsequent designation (Campbell 1954: D67): Excentroconcha minor Mast, 1910: 64].

INCLUDED GENERA. — Excentroconcha Mast, 1910: 64. — Gonosphaera JØrgensen, 1905: 132. — Lonchosphaera Popofsky, 1908: 217 (= Arachnostylus synonymized by Dumitrica 1984: 94).

DIAGNOSIS. — The central structure consists of an MB, two A-rays, four B-rays (rarely two), one to three AA-rays, and a central frame. The MB is also a part of the central frame. A-rays, B-rays and AArays are oriented towards upper, lateral (equatorial) and lower directions, respectively, from the central frame. A-rays emerge from both ends of MB. Four B-rays extend laterally from each corner of the central frame at the equatorial plane. The central frame is vertically subdivided into upper and lower hemispheres by the height level of the central frame where B-rays are joined. The upper hemisphere of the central frame is constructed by the MB and four to three downward rays. The lower hemisphere is variable but two sets of the four downward rays are joined near the opposite side of MB, respectively. The junction point is visible from a view parallel to MB. These two joint points are connected by a small arch at the antapical end of the central frame (named the antapical arch). The plane of the antapical arch is perpendicularly oriented to the length of MB. One to three AA-rays extend from the end of the antapical arch towards the opposite direction of the double A-rays. Some members develop an additional equatorial ring that is also connected by four B-rays and, or, other arches in the lower hemisphere of the central frame. One latticed, one spongy layered cortical shell, or a spherical structure made of coarse spongy meshwork is present. Short to long radial spines directly connected to the internal rays or beams are visible. The by-spine may be present or absent.

Regarding the axopodial system of periaxoplastid-type; the axoplast is located at the center of the protoplasm and a bundle of axonemes radiates from the center. The nucleus is independent of the axopodial system and has an arch shape. No axoflagellum was recognized. The central structure is attached to the capsular wall, placing it at the center of the skeleton. The arched nucleus is placed on the opposite side of the central structure.

STRATIGRAPHIC OCCURRENCE. — early Early Miocene-Living.


This family is specified by reference to fig. 3 in Dumitrica (2014a). Some undescribed species remain. The internal skeletal structure for Lonchosphaera (Helmcke & Bach 1990: 75; Matsuoka 2009: fig. 3.12; Dumitrica 2014a: figs 3.a-3.h) was illustrated. The fine protoplasmic structure was illustrated for Excentroconcha (Hollande & Enjumet 1960: pl. 1, fig. 7; pl. 19, fig. 5; pl. 43, fig. 1) and Lonchosphaera (Hollande & Enjumet 1960: pl. 1, figs 8, 9).


Published as part of Suzuki, Noritoshi, Caulet, Jean-Pierre & Dumitrica, Paulian, 2021, A new integrated morpho- and molecular systematic classification of Cenozoic radiolarians (Class Polycystinea) - suprageneric taxonomy and logical nomenclatorial acts, pp. 405-573 in Geodiversitas 43 (15) on page 464, DOI: 10.5252/geodiversitas2021v43a15,


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  • HOLLANDE A. & ENJUMET M. 1960. - Cytologie, evolution et systematique des Sphaeroides (Radiolaires). Archives du Museum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris 7: 1 - 134.
  • DUMITRICA P. 2014 a. - On the status of the radiolarian genera Lonchosphaera Popofsky, 1908 and Arachnostylus Hollande and Enjumet, 1960 Acta palaeontologica romaniae 9 (2): 57 - 64. https: // actapalrom. geo-paleontologica. org / APR _ v _ 9 _ 2 / 07 _
  • DUMITRICA P. 1979. - Clasa Actinopoda, in NEAGU T. (ed.), Micropaleontologie. Protozoare. Editura Technica, Bucharest, Romania: 9 - 35.
  • DUMITRICA P. 1984. - Systematics of Sphaerellarian radiolarian, in PETRUSHEVSKAYA M. G. & STEPANJANTS S. D. (eds), Morphology, ecology and evolution of radiolarians. Material from the IV symposium of European radiolarists EURORAD IV. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Zoological Institute, Leningrad, USSR: 91 - 102. [in Russian]
  • KOZUR H. & MOSTLER H. 1979. - Beitrage zur Erforschung der mesozoischen Radiolarien. Teil III: Die Oberfamilien Actinommacea HAECKEL 1862 emend., Artiscacea HAECKEL 1882, Multiarcusellacea nov. der Spumellaria und triassische Nassellaria. Geologisch Palaontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck 9 (1 / 2): 1 - 132.
  • CACHON J. & CACHON M. 1985. - 2. Class Polycystinea, in LEE J. J., HUTNER S. H. & BOVEE E. C. (eds), An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists, Lawrence Kansas: 283 - 295.
  • MAST H. 1910. - Die Astrophaeriden der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Expedition auf dem Dampfer " Valdivia " 1898 - 1899. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde, Universitat Tubingen 19 (4): 1 - 68. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 2171
  • CAMPBELL A. S. 1954. - Radiolaria, in MOORE R. C. (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Vol. Part. D, Protista 3. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, Lawrence / Kansas: 11 - 195.
  • JORGENSEN E. 1905. - The protist plankton and the diatoms in bottom samples, in NORDGAARD O. (ed.), Hydrographical and Biological Investigation in Norwegian Fiords. Bergens Museums skrifter, Bergen, 1905: 49 - 151. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 7110326
  • POPOFSKY A. 1908. - Die Radiolarien der Antarktis (mit Ausnahme der Tripyleen), in DRYGALSKI E. (ed.), Deutsche Sudpolar-Expedition, 1901 - 1903. Vol. 10. Georg Reimer, Berlin, Germany: 183 - 306. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 5955366
  • HELMCKE J. G. & BACH K. 1990. - Radiolaria in stereoscopic micrographs. Processe of form generation, in OTTO F. (ed.), Shells in stereoscopic micrographs. Vol. 33. Mitteilungen des Institut fur Leichte Flachentragwerke (IL), Universitat Stuttgart, Stuttgart: 313.
  • MATSUOKA A. 2009. - Late autumn living radiolarian fauna from sub-tropical surface waters in the East China Sea off Sesoko Island, Okinawa, southwest Japan. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, special Volume 14: 11 - 29.