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Published June 30, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Transport modeling in the development of a complex transport scheme on the example of the city of Kyiv (Ukraine)

  • 1. National Transport University
  • 2. Municipal Organization «Kyivgenplan»


The object of research is a complex transport scheme using the example of the city of Kyiv (Ukraine). The comprehensive transport scheme of the city of Kyiv provides for a variant design of the city’s transport system. In transport planning and design, for a qualitative assessment of planning decisions, predictive transport models of cities are most often used, which describe the macroscopic parameters of the traffic flow. The proposed options were tested on a transport model. The main task of this model is the modeling of transport correspondence, where the volume of traffic by public transport is about 80-90 % of the total volume of traffic. For this, a model was developed, with the help of which the level of loading of the main network, the volume of transport work, and the total number of passengers carried by public transport were analyzed. When choosing the optimal option, let’s took into account such parameters as the average speed of the traffic flow, general transport delays, and the total number of passengers transported by public transport. As well as the average distance of travel, the average time for the implementation of transport correspondence on public transport, the cost of unproductive loss of time by residents of the city, and so on.

Based on the results of transport modeling, the optimal option for the development of the city’s transport system was selected, which provides for the completion of the construction of existing road transport infrastructure facilities, the construction and development of the backbone network, systems outside the street rail transport, and optimization of the public transport route network. The complex transport scheme of the city of Kyiv, which was created using modern technologies in the field of transport modeling, allows to analyze and determine the effectiveness of the implementation of various measures for the development of the city’s transport infrastructure. Transport modeling has shown the feasibility of providing initial data for the feasibility study of investment projects, the arrangement of road transport infrastructure facilities, the improvement of traffic management schemes, the arrangement of new public transport routes.


Transport modeling in the development of a complex transport scheme on the example of the city of Kyiv (Ukraine).pdf

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