Published September 7, 2007 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Architis maturaca Santos 2007, sp. nov.


Architis maturaca sp. nov.

Figures 5A–E, 6

Type material. Holotype: male, District of Maturacá, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, state of Amazonas, Brazil, 0 o 7’S, 67 o 4’W, A.A. Lise, 11 October 1996 (MCTP 1454). Paratype: female, Vilhena, state of Rondônia, Brazil, 12 o 43’S, 60 o 7’W, Roppa & Becker, 17–24 October 1988 (MNRJ 3822).

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

Diagnosis. Males of A. maturaca sp. nov. can be easily distinguished from other species of the genus by the large and stout, laterally projected embolus and the small apical part of the DTP (Fig. 5B). The female epigynum differs from those of other species by the triangular median field, the posterior lateral lobes, and two large lateral atria (Fig. 5D). The internal female genitalia are easily distinguished by the CD which are encapsulated in large and curved sclerotised cases (Fig. 5E).


Male (based on holotype from Maturacá, Brazil)

Carapace orange, with a pair of marginal and a pair of paramedian dark spotted areas. Anterior eye row procurved, lateral eyes strongly projected ventrally and approximately twice the diameter of the medians. Posterior eyes of similar size (Fig. 5A). Clypeus, chelicerae, endites and labium cream-coloured. Sternum creamcoloured, with marginal dark spots between coxae and four anterior median dark spots. Legs pale orange with incomplete dark rings. Opisthosoma dorsally dark gray, with a median cream-coloured longitudinal band interrupted in the middle. Dorsum with marginal, sinuous cream-coloured bands (Fig. 5A), laterally dark gray, venter cream-coloured with dark spots. Spinnerets dark gray. Total length 4.0; carapace 1.8 long, 1.5 wide. Tibia I 4.0, II 4.3, III 3.2. Leg IV missing. Opisthosoma 2.2 long, 0.9 wide. VTA truncated apically and notched prolaterally (Fig. 5B); vRTA pointed apically and ventrally projected; dRTA small, subtriangular (Fig. 5C). Subtegulum large, partially exposed in the prolateral margin of tegulum (Fig. 5B).

Female (based on paratype from Vilhena, Brazil)

Carapace gray, darker in the posterior margins of posterior half. Eye configuration as male. Clypeus, chelicerae and labium dark gray, endites and sternum cream-coloured. Legs cream-coloured, darker at the apex of femur. Opisthosoma dorsally dark gray, with marginal rows of white spots. Sides and venter of opisthosoma and spinnerets dark gray. Total length 4.3; carapace 1.6 long, 1.4 wide. Tibia I 3.0, II 3.1, III 2.1, IV 2.1. Opisthosoma 2.7 long, 1.4 wide. Spermathecae spherical, closely attached to CD cases; fertilisation ducts inconspicuous (Fig. 5E).

Remarks. The male and female of A. maturaca sp. nov. were not collected in the same locality, although both occur in the Brazilian Amazonia (Fig. 6). They are here tentatively considered as conspecific based on morphological similarity, especially regarding colouration, general measurements and relative eye sizes and arrangement.

Distribution. Known only from type localities in northern Brazil (Fig. 6).


Published as part of Santos, Adalberto J., 2007, A revision of the Neotropical nursery-web spider genus Architis (Araneae: Pisauridae), pp. 1-40 in Zootaxa 1578 (1) on pages 14-16, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.1578.1.1,


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Additional details


Collection code
Event date
1988-10-17 , 1996-10-11
Material sample ID
MCTP 1454 , MNRJ 3822
Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
1988-10-17/24 , 1996-10-11
Taxonomic concept label
Architis maturaca Santos, 2007