Published July 10, 2021 | Version v1.0
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Indicative distribution map for Ecosystem Functional Group FM1.1 Deepwater coastal inlets

  • 1. University of New South Wales


This archive contains indicative distribution maps and profiles for FM1.1 Deepwater coastal inlets, a ecosystem functional group (EFG, level 3) of the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology (v2.0). Please refer to Keith et al. (2020) for details.

The descriptive profiles provide brief summaries of key ecological traits and processes, maps are indicative of global distribution patterns, and are not intended to represent fine-scale patterns. The maps show areas of the world containing major (value of 1, coloured red) or minor occurrences (value of 2, coloured yellow) of each ecosystem functional group. Minor occurrences are areas where an ecosystem functional group is scattered in patches within matrices of other ecosystem functional groups or where they occur in substantial areas, but only within a segment of a larger region. Given bounds of resolution and accuracy of source data, the maps should be used to query which EFG are likely to occur within areas, rather than which occur at particular point locations. Detailed methods and references for the maps are included in the profile (xml format).


This dataset is part of the publication: Keith DA, Ferrer-Paris JR, Nicholson E, Kingsford RT (Eds.) (2020) 'The IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology v2.0: Descriptive profiles for Biomes and Ecosystem Functional Groups'. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Gland. DOI:10.2305/IUCN.CH.2020.13.en. DAK, & JRFP were supported by ARC Linkage Grants LP170101143 and LP180100159 and the MAVA Foundation.



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Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.5090419 (DOI)
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Book: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2020.13.en (DOI)